You may have been advised to keep that cholesterol in check
to protect your heart, and today, medical researchers say that
keeping your levels of blood fats (also known as triglycerides (TG”s)
in the healthy range (150 mg/dL) also helps lower your risk of
heart trouble considerably.

And there’s more, keeping TG’s in check, also lowers your odds
of severe CoVid complications by a whopping 70%.

So, now that you’ve been warned, it’s time to take action,
listed below, are 5 things you can do, starting today to tame your
blood fats (TG’s).

Tip No. 1-
Take Supplements.
Yes, food is always the best choice, but you may need to eat a lot
of it (food) to get the right amount, so then, it’s best to take supplements,
and the two best supplements for TG’s are: vitamin B-3 and a citrus extract.
Taking 1,500 to 2,000 mg. of vitamin B-3 per day cuts TG levels by 50%.
It works by curbing the liver’s triglyceride output.
The second supplement is Bergamot, a citrus extract that Earl Grey tea
its distinct flavor. It (bergamot) lowers TG’s by 25%, by preventing them
from forming.
The supplement most recommended is Naomi Italian Citrus Bergamot,
find it online at and the vitamin B-3 can be found at
any drugstore, Walmart or online at or
And make sure to talk to your own healthcare professional before taking
any supplement.

Tip No. 2-
Stand and Deliver-
It’s more stand than deliver, simply put-if you work at home or in an
office and spend a lot of time sitting, make it a point to stand up
every 30 minutes and do some light stretching or walk around
the office or at home office.
Simple and gentle movements lower levels of the stress hormone called
cortisol and that can reduce your TG levels by 15%.

Tip No. 3-
Go Fishing-
Not literally, but you may want to add more fatty fish to your daily
menus. Eating just 2 servings of fatty fish like trout, salmon,
sardines or mackerel each week can cut your levels of TG’s
by 10% in as little as 5 weeks.
Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which slows the rate triglycerides
form in the liver.
One more tip: If wild caught fresh fish isn’t possible due to the cost,
head to stores like Aldi, B.J.’s or Trader Joe’s and stock up on canned fish.

Tip No.4-
Eat Some Salad-
Not a green salad of lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and onions,
but a tortilla salad or avocado salad.
A salad made with avocados and beans can lower triglycerides
by 24% in a matter of weeks. This salad has fiber, protein
and healthy fats that tamp down triglyceride production.
Need a recipe for tortilla salad?
Go to and type recipe for tortilla salad
in the search bar.
One last tip: If you do add tortilla chips, don’t go overboard,
one or two chips is enough for one serving of salad.
Any more than that, and you risk your triglyceride levels going up.

* Journal JAMA
* Health and Disease Magazine
* International Journal of Alternative Medicine
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Look for it in a day or two.
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