Get Slim and Healthy Like Kate!

The Duchess of Windsor (Kate) will be turning the big 40 in a few
years and she still maintains a lithe and trim figure.

How does she do it after 3 kids and being in the public’s
eye for close to 2 decades?

If you’re thinking a spartan diet, personal trainers, private
chefs and round-the-clock staff. You’re wrong.

The Duchess, like Queen Elizabeth (over 90 yrs. of age)
takes her health very seriously, and recognized early on
that you must use food as fuel and not as a source
of pleasure. So, that means no grabbing sugary snacks
or having pig-out days of pizza or barbecue.

And if you want to be more like Kate and start eating
a more healthy diet, do the following…

a) Eat Whole Foods-
Kate steers clear of processed foods.
That means very little sugar and salt, (both can stimulate appetite)
and no dairy.
Make sure to read labels and if the product contains more than
4 ingredients- leave it on the shelf.

b) Eat Protein-
Kate favors lean meat and healthy yogurt over rice, potatoes and
pasta. She indulges occasionally, but for the most part sticks to
a high protein, low carb diet. Protein has a natural feel-full effect
on the body. What’s more-as protein digests, it increases
metabolism by 20%. Protein also gives you steady energy all day

c) Go For Smoothies-
The Duchess is Hollywood in this regard, just like a lot
of stars, the duchess favors a smoothie on days she can’t
prepare her usual breakfast.
Her favorite: One made with spirulina, kale, matcha, spinach,
romaine, cilantro and blueberries.

d) Drink Up-
Alcohol-no, probiotic drinks-yes.
Kate drinks fruity concoctions fortified with health-promoting
“good bacteria” to prevent bloating and other digestive problems.
Another benefit of these types of beverages:
They slow down the production of fat-storage hormones and
reduce the calories our bodies absorb from food.
She’s also a fan of almond milk with a few blueberries.

e) A Menu From Duchess Kate-
Still not sure how the Duchess eats?
Well, here’s a sample menu from Kate.
* Breakfast-
1 1/2 cups of cooked oatmeal
1 sliced whole grain toast
Tea with a lemon wedge
Or see the smoothie listed above.
* Mid-morning snack-
Almond milk with some blueberries or a piece of fruit
* Lunch-
Chicken Breast ( 6 to 8 oz.) skinless
Turkey Breast
Salad- made with greens, sliced carrots, tomatoes,
onions, scallions and herbs and spices you prefer
Mix all the ingredients together and add 2 Tbs. dressing.
* Dinner-
Fish or chicken 6 to 8 oz. (Grilled) with a tiny bit of oil,
and a wedge of lemon
Steamed vegetables, use a pat of butter and spices and
herbs for seasoning
Important info: It’s reported, she the duchess makes a
delectable roasted chicken. It’s one of her best
dishes and insiders claim Prince William can eat it every night.
* After-Dinner Snack-
2 oz. dark chocolate, or 1/2 cup of plain yogurt with
some fresh fruit.
That’s it- the dietary secrets from Duchess Kate.

* UCLA-Research Dept.
* Wendy Bazilian,- Ph.d. Author of The SuperfoodsRx Diet
* St. Andrews University, Scotland
* The Sun, Newspaper