Researchers have been talking about ways to improve your memory
for decades now. They’ve recommended everything from blueberries,
dark chocolate, aerobic exercise and memorization exercises,
and today, they’re recommending more produce- specifically greens.

Greens, as in spinach, collards, kale, Swiss Chard, Romaine lettuce
and other greens. The researchers say that the more greens you eat (raw and
cooked), will help you learn faster, remember more and stay mentally sharp
for years. Give credit to the 2 antioxidants in greens, (Lutein and Zeaxanthin)
and these 2 antioxidants rein in the harmful inflammation around the brain
and help protect neurons from damage. Plus, greens are also loaded with zinc,
B vitamins and vitamin K, all of which slow down mental decline.

So, go ahead and start adding more greens to your daily menus and watch
how incredible your memory improves.
And for those who aren’t greens eaters, you can get brain-protecting
antioxidants from egg yolks, corn, papaya, cantaloupe, walnuts, green
tea, and the above mentioned top quality dark chocolate. (or Cocoa).

And lastly,
If you have an important test or exam coming up in the next week or two
and aren’t able to load up on greens, dark Cocoa or egg yolks,
you can improve your odds of scoring well on that exam by watching
a comedy show.
Yes, it’s true, watching a 15 minute stand-up routine (Dave Chappelle
or Rodney Dangerfield) or a sitcom (Modern Family or Friends) prior to
the exam can help you ace it (the test).

* Journals of Gerontology
* Loma Linda University, California-Research Team

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about keeping their memory strong for years to come.
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