If you’re planning on going plant-based, (Vegan), you’ll probably
want to continue eating some of the foods you’re accustomed to.

And one of those foods is dairy.
Yes, people still want milk and cheese, but now that you’re
following a plant based diet, what do you do?

You find alternatives, and listed below are three such alternatives
that’ll make the diet delicious, help you lose weight and get

The 3 Alternatives:
a) Cream In Your Coffee!
You’re not going to miss milk in your coffee or cereal,
when you have the alternative known as coconut milk.
To make cream for your coffee, combine 1 can of full-fat
coconut milk, 1 Tbs of vanilla extract and 4 drops of stevia.
Blend until smooth; and use a small amount in a cup of coffee
or tea. Refrigerate this vegan creamer, and use up in a week or two.

b) Dressing for Salads or Other Veggies-
No more creamy or decadent dressings?
No, no, you can still have dressing, but now it’ll
be made with coconut milk and avocado oil.
To make: In a food processor or blender, combine egg substitutes,
or aquafaba*, or silken tofu, 2 Tbs red wine vinegar, 1/2 tsp. onion powder,
2/3 cup of avocado oil, 2 Tbs. of coconut milk and fresh or dried parsley
and dill, to taste. Use a small amount on a salad or raw or steamed vegetables
and refrigerate the rest.
*Aquafaba- is water from cooked chickpeas. Stir the water vigorously
and use in place of an egg, the yolk or egg whites. It helps thicken
up a dressing or baked good.

c) Cheese Sauce-
When people go vegan, they really miss their cheese and to get over the
loss, you’re now going to use nutritional yeast and almond milk.
Rich in B vitamins, that convert fat to energy.
To make your own creamy cheese sauce, take out a small pan,
and add 3/4 cup of almond milk, 1 Tbs. flour, and 6 Tbs. of
nutritional yeast. Heat on low, until thickened, remove from heat and
add 1/2 tsp. of mustard powder and black pepper to taste.

That’s it, your grocery list for 3 non-dairy alternatives to dairy made with
animal products.
* Doctor Mehmet Oz, M.D. Television Host and Author
* Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
* Columbia University Medical Center