Do you enjoy eating sweet potatoes this time of year?
Well, if you enjoy them more in the winter because of the lower prices,
you may want to spend a little more money and eat them year round.

The brightly colored tubers can improve your health in 2 ways.
The 2 ways:
* Improved Focus
* Turning Back The Clock

First up- Improve focus.
If you’re finding it hard to focus as you get older, you may be able to
get it (focus) back in a matter of weeks.
Eating 2 to 3 cups of sweet potatoes a week and you’ll feel
45% more clearheaded in less than 2 weeks.
Sweet potatoes are brimming with carotenoids that fuel the release
of the brain-stimulating hormone dopamine.
Consider them (sweet potatoes), natural and safer forms of adderall.
Enjoy them baked, as fries, (cook in the oven with a little oil)
or grate them (fresh) into green salads.

Second benefit-
Youthful skin. If you’re familiar with the phrase “black don’t crack”
and wonder why that’s so, sweet potatoes may be able to take some of the
credit. African Americans have always boasted about their skin staying
youthful well into old age and their love of cooking and eating sweet potatoes
may be a big part of it.
Anti-aging researchers say eat a small amount of sweet potatoes each day,
as they’re packed with a host of nutrients that slow the aging of skin cells
and supportive elastin and collagen to stop wrinkles fine lines and sagging,
plus give skin a healthier glow in a matter of weeks.
Another benefit: Enjoying 3 cups weekly help prevent dryness and flaking,
cut skin redness and inflammation by 30%, all 4 are big problems during
the Winter months.

So, if you’re suffering from loss of focus and aging skin, all you have to
do is head to your local grocery store and pick up a few sweet potatoes.
And if you need a recipe other than sweet potato fries or baked sweet potatoes,
just go online to or and type recipes for sweet potatoes
in the search bar.

One last tip:
If the addition of more sweet potatoes sound appealing, just make to cook them
in a way that’s beneficial. Simply put- don’t just sweet potatoes pies or sweet potato
pancakes and then use a ton of sugar or smother them in loads of syrup.
Sugar-either granulated or in syrup form is a quick way to age your skin
and gunk up your plumbing system, (arteries, veins, blood vessels, ect.).

* UCLA Research Dept.
* Yale Scientific Research Team
* Journal of Alternative Medicine

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known as sweet potatoes. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram,
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