It’s the fall season, so make sure you eat (and drink) more of the popular
orange fruit.
The fruit: Pumpkin and yes, it’s considered a fruit because it starts from
a flower, officially making it a fruit.
And if you’re not sure how it (pumpkin) can improve your health, here are 3

1) Stronger Immune Systems-
Fall is the time when pumpkins are more plentiful and fall is also a time when
many of us will get more colds and flu, and if you want to strengthen your immune
system, eat (and drink) more pumpkin. Eating just 2 Tbs. of pumpkin puree each day
and you’ll get 80% of your vitamin A requirements. Vitamin A is the nutrient that
stimulates the production of infection-fighting T-Cells. Increase vitamin A and
you can reduce your sick days by 35%. And if you do get sick, you’ll recover
up to 50% faster.

2) More Energy-
Another downside of the fall weather: Energy levels start to wane.
This happens for a number of reasons: Less sunlight, (which means less vitamin D),
shorter days, colder weather (which translate into less time spent outside
exercising), and the endless supply of goodies from Halloween to the New Year.
And if you want to increase your energy levels eat some pumpkin.
Pumpkin is rich in magnesium and potassium, and both minerals work together
to help cells convert blood sugar into usable fuel. Eat a little pumpkin each day
and you can double energy levels in less than 10 days.

3) Fewer Aches and Pains-
Not being able to get outside to exercise and you’ll certainly notice those
aches and pains and if you want to reduce the risk of arthritis by 45% and
ease overall stiffness and pain by 33% eat a little pumpkin each day.
Pumpkin has a plant compound(beta-cryptoxanthin) that soothes joint
inflammation and promotes tissue healing.

So now that you have some information on how pumpkin can benefit
your health, here are 3 recipes for pumpkin smoothies.

a) Sweet-Banana Pumpkin-Whirl!
1/4 cup of pumpkin puree (preferably from the can)
1 banana
1 cup of coconut milk
1 tsp. of cinnamon
1 tsp. of maple syrup
To make:
In a blender, toss in all ingredients along with 1/4 cup of ice.
Blend until smooth. If desired, sprinkle on some cinnamon and
shredded coconut.
Calories per serving- 690, Prot-7g. Carbs-48g.

b) Golden-Spiced Pumpkin Elixir!
1 cup of milk, (soy, skim or Oat)
1/4 cup of pumpkin puree
1 Tbs. of honey
1 tsp. of ground turmeric
1/4 cup of whipped cream
1/4 tsp. of ground cloves
To make:
In a pan over medium heat, whisk the first 4 ingredients.
Simmer 10 mins. Pour into a glass or mug. If desired, top with
whipped cream and a sprinkle of cloves.
Calories per serving- 295, Prot-3g. Carbs-34g.

c) Orange-Pumpkin Tango!
1 orange, zested and juiced
1/4 cup of pumpkin puree
1 cup of apple juice
1/4 tsp. of ground nutmeg
To make:
Place the zest in one bowl and the juice in another bowl; dip
rim of a glass in the juice and then zest. In a blender, puree
remaining zest, juice and the other ingredients. Pour into
a glass. Garnish with some whipped cream, (if desired).
Calories per serving-215, Prot-2 g. Carbs- 50g.

Important tip: The above recipes are one serving only, if you want
more than one serving, double or triple the ingredients.

* University of Guelph, Ontario Canada
* German Research Team
* The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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