Are you tired of the same old greens in your salad, smoothie or stir-fry?
You know, the usual suspects: kale, spinach and broccoli.

Well, if you’re the daring type and want to branch out, here are 6 greens to
add to your smoothies, stir-fries and salads for the rest of 2022.

The New Six:
a) Watercress-
Often used as a garnish, this green has a pleasant, slightly spicy and
tangy flavor. Loaded with vitamin K, which is great for maintaining
bone health and other nutrients, that’ll help keep skin youthful and taut.
Use it to make sandwiches, as a green in a salad, add a few chopped leaves
to a soup or pass on the expensive fresh basil and use watercress and blend it
into a pesto or dip.

b) Beet Greens-
Are you a fan of fresh beets? Do you hold onto the tops?
Well, it’s time you did as they are a delicious and tender green that has
a mildly sweet taste. Beet greens are high in fiber, iron and vitamin K,.
Use them if you’re not eating meat, and get your iron this way.
Use them as a salad ingredient, (raw) in a smoothie or braise or saute them.

c) Lacinato Kale-
Also known as dinosaur (dino) or Tuscan kale, this type of kale
is sweeter and more tender than the other kales. If heart-health is a concern,
add more of these greens to daily menus. They contain ample amounts of
vitamins C, A, and K.
Use it in a salad, add it to soups, bake it in the oven for (kale) chips, and
stir-fry it with some other greens and a lean protein.

d) Arugula-
You may already know about arugula, it’s a cousin of broccoli and kale,
with tender leaves and a distinctive peppery bite.
It also has high levels of cancer-fighting properties in it.
Use it as a base for a salad, or fold it into pasta and egg dishes, (cooking
it mellows out the flavor).

e) Bok Choy-
A cabbage native to China that’s mild and crunchy and it’s a very
popular ingredient in stir-fried dishes. It’s also a cruciferous vegetable
like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. It contains compounds that
help lower your odds of getting certain cancers, as well as selenium,
an essential mineral with antioxidant, heart and brain health benefits.
Use it in stir-fries, soups, and you can also grill it in the oven or outdoors
on a grill.

f) Swiss Chard-
Slightly bitter when raw and milder when cooked. Some chard known as rainbow
chard, has vibrantly colored stalks. Especially high in vitamin A, and the mineral-
Use both the stalks and leaves, just make sure to cook the stalks first and
then the leaves and if you want to keep your bones thick and strong, stir-fry
Swiss Chard with some fresh lemon juice.

Now, that you have some info on some of the other greens available at your
grocery store, it’s time to put them all together and make a nice and tasty
salad. A “Super Green Salad” to be exact.
1 1/2 Tbs. of apple cider vinegar
2 tsp. of dark honey
2 tsp. of Dijon mustard
1 tsp. of fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp. of kosher salt
1/2 tsp. of black pepper
3 Tbs. of extra-virgin Olive oil
5 oz. of mixed greens, (Baby chard, spinach, Tuscan kale,
sunflower and radish greens
1 beet, cooked and quartered
Microgreens, like mustard, kale and Arugula
radishes, thinly sliced
goat cheese, crumbled
1/3 cup of toasted pistachios or almonds
To make:
Whisk together vinegar, honey, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper
in a small bowl. Slowly drizzle in oil, whisking constantly.
Combine baby greens, microgreens, the beets, and radishes.
Drizzle on the dressing and toss lightly. Divide salad evenly among
4 bowls or plates and add some goat cheese and nuts.
Calories per salad- 310.

* A Taste of Home, Magazine
* Health Magazine, April 2022 Issue
* Recipe by Julia Levy
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