If the warm and humid weather is causing you to toss and turn at night
and you’re opposed to sleep aids, (sleeping pills) then you may want to
try the 3 natural solutions listed below.

Solution No. 1-
Although this tip has been out for quite a while, it bears repeating.
The tip: Eat 2 Kiwis an hour before bed and really improve the type
of sleep you get and the duration.
Kiwi contains serotonin, a brain chemical that regulates sleep cycles,
increases total sleep time and sleep efficiency.
Important tip: Kiwi can be a little pricey, especially this time of year,
but consider the alternative-sleeping pills, which can be expensive
and have side effects.
Another tip: If the store in your area has a sale on kiwi, you may
want to buy a lot of them and store them in the refrigerator.
And lastly, if your budget allows-you may want to splurge,
and buy golden kiwi.

Solution No. 2-
Eat more of the “Summer refresher.”
What is the “Summer refresher?” Watermelon.
Yes, the thirst quenching and juicy fruit can help you sleep. It (watermelon)
contains nutrients that may help with sleep, such as choline, which helps
sleep disturbances, and lycopene, an antioxidant that helps you fall
asleep and stay asleep. And lastly, watermelon contains vitamin B6,
which reduces stress, anxiety and panic attacks.
Another tip: If you’re a sun bather or sun worshiper, eat a slice or two of
watermelon each day. The antioxidants (lycopene) work just like a natural

Solution No. 3-
Head outdoors. Not to walk or birdwatch, but garden. That’s right, gardening has
been recommended to those who want to decrease negative thoughts, ease aches
and pains, (thanks to the grounding effect) and boost moods and today, it’s being
recommended as a way to get to sleep and stay asleep. Researchers think the time
spent outdoors, (in nature) along with the moving, pulling (weeds), lifting, is
a form of aerobic activity that’ll tire you out and help you fall asleep easily.
So, if you have a large outdoor space or just a small patch of land, head
outdoors and give your body a workout and improve your sleep.
And lastly, if you’re not able to get outdoors, or if you don’t have even a
small area of land, you can still do some indoor walking, lift light weights,
do chores, (wash walls, vacuum, and do laundry), all while watching
relaxing gardening videos on youtube.

That’s it- 3 natural solutions for better summer sleep.

* Journal-Affective Disorders
* Journal-Natural Remedies
* First For Women- July 22nd 2024 Issue

Please pass this article on to family and friends who have trouble
falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Share it over at Facebook, Instagram
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