Summertime should be a time of fun and frivolity, but let’s face it, you can get a bump,
bruise, scrape or burn and if this happens to you, try a “kitchen-cure” before heading
off to your local emergency room.

The natural Summer cures:
a) Bruises-
Did you get bruised moving a picnic table? Or did it happen when you
you were playing badminton or beach volleyball?
Well, whatever activity you were involved in, dissolve the bruise quickly
with fruit. What fruit? Pineapple.
It (pineapple) dissolves bruise-causing clotting and fades even severe bruising
in as little as four days–that’s less than one-third of the time it typically takes.
And if you tire of eating pineapple slices-use those slices to make a bruise-healing
The recipe:
Blend up 2 cups of sliced and diced pineapple, 1/2 cup of coconut milk and 4
Ice cubes (optional), and 1/2 cup of water. Blend until smooth.
Another beneficial fruit: Papaya.

b) Mosquito Bites-
You may slather on all types of bug spray, but it may still happen
(a mosquito bite) and to quickly reduce the swelling and redness-
grab a potato. Slice off a part of the potato and rub the cut end
on your skin.
Also helpful: a slice of onion placed on the bite and left alone for
a few mins.
One last tip: You can greatly reduce being bitten by wearing the
right colors. What are they? Purple, green and white. Mosquitoes have
a blind spot for colors, cutting the risk of a bite by 65%.

c) Sunburn-
Oh no, you laid out in the sun too long, now what? Grab some plain yogurt
from the cooler or fridge and smear it over the burned area.
Properties in plain yogurt help both the pain and redness.
Another secret: Thinly slice an apple and then place the slices over the
burned area.
Preventative Medicine:
Go back and look at a past post (or two) we’ve written on the foods and
beverages that work just like sunscreen. The foods and beverages are
cheaper and safer than drugstore sunscreen ointment.
Some foods- Grapes, watermelon, tomatoes, (cooked) green tea and iced
coffee (minus the sugar).

d) Grill Burn-
Especially helpful for Dads who love to grill this time of year. (Happy Father’s Day).
Trying to impress friends and family with your prowess at the grill has resulted
in a burn or two, and if that’s the case-ditch the old remedy of running cold water
on the burn and try the new and improved remedy, which is warm water.
Cold water is not only uncomfortable, but it constricts vessels, blocking
healing blood flow. However, water that’s body temperature or slightly cooler
calms a burn without hampering healing circulation.
Another natural remedy: Smearing a little dark honey on the burn and wrapping
some gauze around it. And if the burn is serious, then you’ll have to go to your
local emergency room.

e) Knees-
Scraped your knees playing a sport or setting up patio furniture?
Peel a banana, eat the banana or save it for later and then place the
peel (peel side down) on the scraped knee and leave on for 10 to 15 mins.
Banana peels blocks infection and speeds healing. Peels contain 70
antibacterial and antioxidant compounds that ease inflammation and

* The Natural Sunscreen Rxs At Your Supermarket- Ebook at
* German Research Team
* University of Alabama-Research Dept.
* Biomedical Reports Journal

Please pass this post on to family and friends who do a lot of outdoor
activities (grilling, sunbathing and summer sports) this time of year.
You can share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram-Stories, Pinterest,
Reddit, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
