As many as 8 out 10 people will experience back pain at some
point in their lives, and if you’re experiencing it and want
something natural to combat it, continue reading.

a) Drink Tea-
More specifically, rose hip tea. Drinking 3 to 4 cups
of this tea daily could cut your risk of developing
back pain by 30%- plus trim your recovery time if
you’re already suffering. Rose hips are brimming
with a natural compound, that reduces inflammation
the same way that aspirin does, but without the
side effects (upset stomach).

b) Walk-
Exercise with a sore back? Yes. Sitting or lying down
for hours each day will do more harm to your back.
New research says gentle exercise like a 10 to 20 minute
walk dampens back pain, plus speeds healing and cuts your
risk of future injuries by 60%.
Walking relaxes spasming back muscles, and if you’re
walking while it’s sunny, you’ll get vitamin D-3, a nutrient
that speeds up of the healing of achy muscles.
Vitamin D-3 also keeps your spine and the spongy cartilage
between your vertebrae healthy and strong.
Unable to walk outdoors? Go to youtube and type indoor walking
videos in the search bar and ask your doctor to recommend a
top quality vitamin D-3 supplement.

c) Massage-
No, not a back massage, but the type of massage that Asian
healers have used for thousands of years.
The massage is reflexology and some say it can be relieve
back pain in a matter of days.
To do: Take a comfortable chair, and if you’re flexible enough
prop your foot (right or left) on the opposite knee). Now take
your thumb and place it right on the heel (making sure to stay
right on the innermost edge of the foot) and just work
your way to the ball of foot.
Use some pressure, but not too much pressure, kneading and
pressing for 2 to 3 minutes. After that, switch to the other foot.
if you’re not flexible enough to place your foot on your lap,
you can find the same pressure points on your hands.

d) Lubricate Your Joints-
You may already know about the importance of drinking
water to keep hydrated and your joints lubricated, well you can
also add some fish to that glass of water.
Eating a few servings of good fish or seafood each week can ease
stiffness and pain in less than 2 weeks.
The healthy fats in fish reduce your body’s production of
pain-triggering hormones, plus they act as joint lubricants to make
our spines flexible and hopefully, less prone to injury.

e) Eat Sweet Potatoes-
This potato is getting a lot of attention as a health booster and
one of the ways it boosts your health is by lowering the risk of
back pain by 30%. In addition to reducing back pain, sweet potatoes
help you bounce back in half the time. Sweet potatoes contain
3 nutrients that help strengthen your back muscles, cartilage and

f) Greens-
Spinach, basil, Swiss chard, parsley and kale contain vitamin K, a
nutrient that’s essential for the growth and repair of the nerves,
blood vessels and shock-absorbing cartilage in your spine.
And there’s more- for those who haven’t experienced back pain,
make sure to eat greens to keep your spine in tip-top shape.

g) Cherry Juice-
Tart cherry juice has been a go-to elixir for those suffering from
insomnia, well it also helps reduce all types of pain, (back, hand
pain and even gout). Cherries contain natural anti-inflammation
nutrients that help reduce pain by 40%.
Look for a good quality tart cherry juice at health food stores
or online at Thrive market or Drink a few small
cups each day. And for those who are budget-conscious,
stock up on fresh cherries (when they’re on sale) and freeze them.
Eat 10 to 15 each day.

h) An Italian Dish To Reduce Back Pain.
The recipe: Sweet Potato Pesto Lasagna!

This recipe contains spine-strengthening and pain
ending sweet potatoes and leafy greens.

12 lasagna noodles (white, whole wheat or gluten-free)
4 medium sweet potatoes
2 cups of fresh basil (cleaned and dried)
4 cups of fresh spinach (cleaned and dried)
1 container ricotta cheese (15 oz.)
1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese (make sure to grate it)
1/3 cup of Parmesan cheese
2 Tbs. olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
salt and pepper (to taste)
2 to 3 cups of your favorite pasta sauce
To make:
Preheat oven to 350 F. Cook lasagna according to the directions
on the box, remove from heat and place the noodles on a large platter.
Clean the sweet potatoes, then pierce them and put them in
the microwave on high until tender. Let the potatoes cool, peel
and place in a blender or food processor, add the basil, spinach
ricotta, Parmesan and 3/4 cup of the mozzarella, oil and garlic
blend until smooth.
Add salt and pepper. Spread some of the sauce on the
bottom of a 13″ X 9″ pan. Then 6 noodles, the potato
filling, then the rest of the noodles, the rest of the sauce
and the mozzarella. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes,
uncover and bake for 10 or 15 more minutes.
Enough for 6 servings.

Boston University, Research Dept.