Improve your health with tossed out vegetable and fruit scraps.

Are you one who hates to waste any type of food?
You know, bananas that have a few brown spots or coffee grounds.

Well, stop doing it and hold onto them and use the scraps to boost your health.
Not sure how? No problem, just look below and find out those kitchen scraps
can help make you healthier.

a) Orange Peels-
Orange, lemon or even lime peels can help you in a number of ways, like…
* Lower anxiety levels.
To do: Fill a pot of water, toss in the citrus peels
and simmer for a few minutes. The skins of citrus fruits are brimming with
aromatic oils that encourage the release of soothing delta and theta brain waves,
often with 2 to 3 minutes. Let the citrus scent infuse your home and you can quash
anxiety for up to 3 hours.
Important tip: If you have kids that are restless and over-anxious, heat up some
citrus peels to create some calm in your home.
* Less Risk of Skin Cancer.
Buying drugstore sunblock is normal for most people, but are you aware that cleaning
citrus peels, cutting into small pieces and then adding the peels to a smoothie or
salad can help protect your skin from the Sun’s harmful rays.
Important tip: You may love having a grapefruit everyday, but just be careful with the peels.
Adding a lot of grapefruit peels, especially in the beginning may cause stomach
* Cholesterol.
Another health concern for a lot of people: high cholesterol. If this is your concern, just
add some orange, lemon or lime peels to stir-fries, smoothies or green or fruit salads.
Important tip: Yes, the fruit peels can help lower cholesterol, but it’s still wise to follow
a healthy diet. A healthy diet along with the fruit peels is the best way to lower
cholesterol naturally.

b) Lettuce-
A very popular vegetable in a lot of households, but it’s also one that gets thrown out
quite frequently. If a few leaves look banged up or damaged, use them to make
a sleep aid. The outer leaves are packed with a plant compound called lactucarium
that increases the production of the muscle-relaxing, sleep-inducing brain chemical
GABA. So, clean a few outer leaves and then simmer in some water for 10 minutes,
strain and then drink the water as you would a tea.
Drink 30 to 60 minutes before bed and you can fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

c) Pineapples-
Some people save the outer skin to make a tea, but if aches and pain are something
you’re dealing with, save the core from the pineapple and boil (then lower the heat)
and allow it (the core) to soften, and add the core to a juicer or blender. Blend and
use the finished product on a salad, smoothie or bowl of oatmeal. Pineapples contain
a powerful natural anti-inflammatory called Bromelain, and it can reduce joint stiffness
and pain as effectively as any over-the-counter pain medicine.

d) Broccoli Stems-
A lot of people throw out the tough and hard stems, but you may not know that
the stems are milder and sweeter. Cut them into thin strips and roast them, steam
or toss them into stir-fries. And the reason for eating the stems: Weight loss.
The stems like the florets contain sulforphane, a compound that switches on genes
that force abdominal fat cells to burn stored fatty acids. Eating more of the stems
can help you lose 20% more weight.

e) Beets-
The leaves of beets taste great in green salads or in stir-fries, but what do you do
with the stalks. Like collards and kale stalks, beet stalks are usually tossed out
and if you’re guilty of this, stop doing it, hang onto them and lower your blood pressure.
The stalks have the same artery-relaxing compound (nitrates) that the beets have.
Clean a few stalks, cut into bite-sized pieces and add them to stir-fries or into a
blender with other veggies and fruit for a tasty smoothie. Eating them a few times
a week could lower systolic pressure (the top number) by ten points and the diastolic
pressure (the bottom number) by 7 points for up to 24 hours.

f) Coffee Grounds-
There are a number of ways you can use coffee grounds, but if dry winter skin
is a problem, use those leftover coffee grounds as an exfoliant. The grounds
can remove dead skin cells, plus it (coffee) contains a plant compound called
(caffeic acid) and it dials back tissue inflammation and encourages the growth
of healthy, skin-firming collagen. To use the grounds: Combine 1/4 cup of coffee
grounds, 2 Tbs. of brown sugar and 2 Tbs. of olive oil; gently rub into the skin.
Let sit for 2 to 3 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.
Important tip: You may want to test out the coffee ground scrub on your wrist
first to see if you’ll have a bad reaction. Itching and redness.

g) Bananas-
To find out how banana peels can help you sleep or improve blue moods, just
go back into our archives (look for the article -The Benefits of Table Scraps) and
read all about it.

* University of Michigan-Research Dept.
* Supermarket Rxs To Sun-Proof Your Skin/Ebook on
* Journal Plants
* First For Women Feb. 19, 2024 Issue

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waste and love all things natural.
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