Bone health is a subject a lot of people think about as they reach their 50’s,
and if you’re one who thinks about ways to keep bones strong, then you may
want to learn more about two popular beverages.

The beverages:
Coffee and Tea.
Yes, many of you out there may be drinking coffee and tea already and that’s
great, but for the millions out there who aren’t drinking these two beverages,
this info is for you.

Researchers say that 4 cups of either caffeinated coffee or tea daily lowered
the risk of frailty ( a combination of weakness, slowness, and exhaustion that
makes falls and fractures more likely to happen). Give credit to the caffeine
in both beverages, as well as the polyphenols and antioxidants, which strengthen
muscles and ward off diseases that contribute to frailty, like diabetes and sarcopenia.
So, if you’re drinking your coffee and/or tea each morning (or throughout the day)
continue to do so. And also important-If you are drinking coffee and/or tea,
make sure you’re drinking it without tons of sugar and if you have it with food,
make sure those foods aren’t made with tons of sugar or processed.
i.e. baked goods (brownies, cookies, slices of cakes, pieces of candy, etc).

And lastly, if you’re not a coffee or tea drinker and still want to keep bones
strong and prevent frailty, you can get those same benefits from food.
The foods:
Turnip Greens
Dandelion Greens
Soya Beans
Fish with bones- sardines & pilchards
Keep it to one or two drinks a day.

* American Medical Directors Association
* Scientific Report
* First For Women 2/19/24 Edition

Please pass this article on to family and friends, especially to
those who are nearing 50 years of age or to those who are 50 or over.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram (stories), Pinterest, Snapchat,
Reddit, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
