The Healing Benefits of Morning Joe!

One year we’re told to stay away from coffee and the next year-we’re told drink it
as it will benefit your health in a number of ways.
Well, the latest news: A few cups a day will reduce the risk of heart disease,
diabetes and some cancers, but there’s even better news and that is it
can also keep you looking and feeling young.
Not convinced, that’s okay, just look at how it’ll slow down the aging process.

* Under-Eye Bags-
Do you look haggard and tired in the morning, especially under the eyes?
Drink a cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning and you could look
bright-eyed fast. Caffeine helps constrict dark vessels and force out
fluids that cause puffiness.

* Better Looking Legs-
Cellulite is the enemy for plenty of women and if you’re one who hates the
back of your legs, use the following body mask.
The mask: Combine 1/2 cup of unbrewed coffee grounds with 3 Tbs. of
coconut oil and 1 Tbs. of salt. Step into the shower and massage into
cellulite-prone areas. Massage for a few minutes, turn on the water
and rinse off. Do this a few times a week.

* Become Stronger-
Do you feel weaker as you get older? Researchers say that caffeine boosts power
in older muscles- a major plus that reduces your risks of falls and injuries.
It also helps you breathe easier by keeping the diaphragm-a muscle that inflates
the lungs-in tip-top shape.

* Hair Care-
Concerned about your hair thinning now that you’re 50, 60 or even older?
Drink more coffee to keep your locks full and thick. Coffee contains
a number of nutrients that open up the hair follicles, helping hair
grow long and luxurious.
You can also place a tsp. (or two) of fresh coffee grounds into your shampoo
and clean your hair 2 to 3 times a week.

* Change Your Appearance-
This could go under the dark circles under the eyes, but if you should
toss and turn all night and then wake up looking less than your best,
have a cup of coffee (or two) in the morning.

* Watch The Add-Ins-
Simply put- if you want coffee to work on your appearance and other body parts-
(heart, lungs, etc.) then you must forgo the sugar and sugary treats. A tsp.
once a day won’t do much damage, but any more than that along with the sugary
treats (cupcakes, brownies, cookies, scones, cannolis, pie, cheesecake and donuts)
will not only alter your appearance, but cause serious damage to major organs,
and your waistline, so have an occasional sweet treat and use sweeteners
like Stevia, dark honey or pure maple syrup if you like your coffee sweet.

* Dermatologist Gary Goldenberg, M.D.
* Susan Bard, M.D. Dermatologist
* Experimental Biology
* University of Michigan, Research Dept.
* Roast Magazine
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