Honor our war vets this Memorial day by eating well.

If you’re suffering the usual aches and pains due to inactivity, poor diet or long-term
body wear and tear, you may want to see if a popular herb can bring relief.
The Herb:
It (parsley) is packed with vitamin K, an anti-inflammatory that slashes muscle
and joint discomfort in less than a week.

So, if this describes you and you’ve tried all of the over-the-counter meds, creams,
and aspirin, then it may be in your best interest, to try this natural remedy from
Mother Nature’s Pharmacy.

And to help you on your quest of getting more parsley into your system,
here’s a recipe for a summer favorite that’s quite popular this time of year.
The Summer favorite:
Pasta Salad.

Recipe for Bacon-Cheddar Pasta Salad.
1/2 box of medium shell pasta (regular, whole-wheat or gluten-free)
6 slices of bacon
1 cup of cherry tomatoes, (halved)
1 cup of cheddar cheese
2 stalks of celery, chopped
1/2 cup of bottled ranch dressing (or dressing of your choice)
1/2 cup of chopped scallions
1/2 cup of finely chopped parsley (fresh)
10 to 12 sprigs of fresh parsley for decoration
To make:
In a pot of salted boiling water, cook pasta according to the directions.
Cook until al dente and then drain and rinse under cold water.
Take out the skillet and cook the bacon until crisp. Drain on a paper towel.
In a bowl, mix the pasta, half of the bacon, and the remaining ingredients
and then toss well. Top with the rest of the crumbled bacon and place the
sprigs of parsley around the platter or serving dish.
Calories per serving- 410, Prot-14g. Carb-5g.
Another tip:
If you’re a fan of potato salad, then go ahead and make this dish using
potatoes, (white or sweet) and pass on the pasta.

And some more tips regarding parsley.
You can also add more fresh parsley to other dishes, so you can take advantage
of its healing powers. For example: Add or even substitute chopped parsley
to green salads. Add some to veggie stir-fries (lightly cook it or add it raw) to
egg dishes, stews and soups.
To get even more pain relief-
Drink some tart cherry juice as your beverage (and avoid the sweetened drinks)
that are popular this time of year: Soda and fruit juices.
Or take advantage of the fresh cherry season and buy bags of fresh
cherries and eat them whole or juice them with plain water.
Fresh cherries and tart juice also contain special compounds that help
ease those aches and pains.
And one last tip:
You may want to start eliminating things from your daily menus that also
may be contributing to your pain:
White foods- bread, pastries, and other foods made with white flour.
Processed foods: Anything that has five or more ingredients on the label.
Convenience store sweets, baked goods, candy and sweet beverages.
Add more fruit, vegetables, eggs, top quality meats, nuts, seeds, whole
grains and fish to your daily menus. i.e. The Mediterranean diet.

* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* The Mother Earth News Handbook, (available at Amazon.com/kindle)
* AllRecipes.com-popular food website

Please pass this article and the recipe on to family and friends who love
summer dishes like pasta and potato salads and are also suffering from
minor ache and joint pain.
You can let them know all about this discovery over Facebook, Snapchat,
Reddit, Pinterest, Tik-Tok, Instagram (stories) and Twitter.
