The healing benefits of Olive Oil.

If you’re following the Mediterranean diet and eating olive oil, give
yourself a pat on the back.

According to new research, just a Tbs. or two of olive oil a day
can help prevent memory loss.
Memory loss, like cancer, heart disease and mobility issues are
concerns many people have as they get older, and luckily,
thanks to this new research, you may be able to sail into your golden
years with your memory intact.

Using olive oil to dress up a salad, or on sliced toast or to stir-fry
chicken and vegetables lowers dementia risk by 15%.
And a Tbs. of olive oil a day lowers your risk of dying of dementia by 30%.

Researchers say that the brain is 60% fat and not only does that make it
the fattiest organ in the body, but these fatty acids are crucial for your
brain’s performance.
So, make sure you’re feeding it (your brain) good fats like Olive oil
and avoid bad fats like margarine.

One more benefit:
Olive oil is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds
that not only protect brain cells, but enhance heart health as well,
which is also key for curbing memory loss.

And some more tips:
* You may be concerned about olive oil causing weight gain,
but remember, it’s a small amount of oil and make sure the
rest of your diet is top notch-i.e. eat a clean diet like the
Mediterranean diet.
* Although it may be tempting to save money, it’s best you buy a top
quality olive oil. (it’s your heart health and memory that are at stake)
Not sure which brand to buy?
Go to or youtube and type best olive oils to buy in the
search bar.
* More good fats- Salmon, walnuts, avocados, grass-fed butter,
coconut oil, sardines and olives.

* Northwestern Brain is 60% fat
* First For Women magazine- Jan. 8th 2024-Issue
* American Society For Nutrition

Please pass this article on to friends and family who are not
only concerned about memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s,
but to those who need to consume more “good fats.”
Share it on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest,
Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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This blog is going on three years, so please help us gain more
followers by reading and then sharing the 750 plus articles that
are printed here. We’re debating about whether or not, we should sign
up for another year.
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