The Carnivore diet and longevity.

If you’re one who’s into news about health, alternative health, etc, then you’re
probably familiar with the highly popular “Carnivore diet.”

What is the carnivore diet?
A diet that only allows you to eat foods from the animal kingdom.
Meats, bacon, turkey, chicken, eggs, fish, dairy (milk, cream, yogurt),
butter, etc.

Although it (the diet) is quite popular and a lot of people are experiencing some
incredible results, many medical professionals are skeptical and are totally against

Well, new research may prove the naysayers wrong, why?
New research says that an amino acid found mostly in foods from the
animal kingdom may boost longevity.

The amino acid: Taurine.
Taurine regulates the central nervous system, supports eye and vision
health and protects your cells and there’s more, taurine also boosts
energy levels, increases bone mass, reduces anxiety and even keeps
your immune system in tip-top shape.

And for those who want to add a few extra years to their lives,
taurine helps clear out dead cells, improves tissue function and increases
nutrient absorption, functions that decline with age but are key for warding
off conditions like diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and liver damage.

So, if you been avoiding meat, fish, cheese and eggs in the hopes that’ll
you’ll live longer, you may want to have a few burgers, steaks, pieces of
salmon and eggs and bacon with cheese and butter a few times a week.

And lastly, if you’re opposed to eating any animal products, you can always
take it (Taurine) in supplement form. Daily dose: 300 mg. per day.
Important note: Always check with your health-care provider before adding
any type of supplement to your daily regimen.

* Joe Rogan Podcast, With special guest Jordan Peterson talking
about the benefits of a meat only diet
* Kelly Williams Hogan- 13 year Carnivore
* First For Women Magazine, Supplement to Boost Longevity-
Sept. 25th Edition

Please pass this info on to family and friends who are interested in
living a few years longer. Share the info over at Facebook, Snapchat,
Pinterest, Instagram (stories), Reddit, Tik-Tok and Twitter (X).