Plan on going to Mardi Gras this March 1st, Tuesday?
Well, if you do go, make sure you have a delicious cocktail.
What type of cocktail?
A cocktail that not only tastes great, but is also great for your health.

The 4 drinks listed below can be served for brunch or late at night.

The Drinks:
a) Frozen Hurricane-
Created in the French Quarter in the 1940’s, it’s made with orange juice
and lemon sorbet, both of which provide you with vitamin C, a nutrient
linked to better vision.
1 oz. of light rum
1 oz. of dark rum
2 oz. of orange juice
1/2 cup of lemon sorbet
1 oz. of simple syrup
Ice, optional
To make:
Add rums, O.J. sorbet and simple syrup to blender. Blend until
frothy and smooth, adding Ice as needed. Pour in a tall glass.
Garnish with a lime slice (or two), if desired.
To make simple syrup: go online to and type recipe for
simple syrup.

b)Praline Milk Punch-
This is a highly requested drink in the “Big Easy” not only during Mardi
Gras, but year round. Made with whole milk, which is rich in vitamin D,
a nutrient that helps your body’s serotonin levels, in other words-this drink
will lift your spirits in more than 1 way.
2 oz. of Brandy
1 oz. of Frangelico, Amaretto or praline liqueur (look for this at any high
liquor store).
1 cup of whole milk
1 tsp. confectioner’s sugar
Grated nutmeg, to taste
To make: Add Brandy, praline liqueur, milk and sugar to cocktail shaker filled
halfway with Ice; shake until chilled and frothy. Strain into tall glass
with Ice, and sprinkle a little nutmeg on top.

c) Creole Bloody Mary-
Cayenne pepper, black pepper and salt give this drink an extra kick
and if you want to keep your bones strong drink it at least once
or twice a week. Tomato juice contains lycopene and vitamin K,
and both boost bone health.
Lime juice and celery salt for glass
1 1/2 oz. of vodka
Juice from 1/4 fresh lime
4 dashes of Worcestershire sauce
2 Tabasco hot sauce
1/2 cup of tomato juice
celery salt, to taste
cayenne pepper
black pepper
To make:
RIm glass with lime and celery salt; set aside. Add all ingredients to cocktail
shaker filled halfway with Ice. Shake well; strain into prepared glass.

d) Strawberry’s Pimm’s Cup-
This British drink took New Orleans by storm in the 1950’s, and since it has
ginger ale, the drink can ease aches, thanks to the natural anti-inflammatory
2 thick slices of cucumber
1 strawberry, frozen or fresh, (stem removed)
1 1/2 oz. of Pimm’s No. 1 liqueur (look for Pimm’s at high-end liquor stores)
4 oz. of Ginger Ale
To make:
Add cucumber and strawberry to a glass; muddle well. Fill glass halfway
with Ice. Add Pimm’s, then top with ginger ale.

e) A Treat For Those Who Can’t Attend-
Unable to get to Mardi Gras this year? No problem, just watch
one of the following movies that uses New Orleans as the back drop.
* The Princess and The Frog-
* The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
* A Streetcar Named Desire
* The Big Easy
* Bad Lieutenant
* Treme
* When The Levees Broke
* Cat People
* Deja Vu
* IMBD, Ratings and Reviews of Movies
* Whisky Advocate Magazine
* Imbibe Magazine
* Kent Westmoreland, Mixologist
* Windsor Court Hotel Cocktail Bar
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