Multitasking with onions. The 10 Best Benefits of Onions!

If you’re only using onions to flavor certain dishes, you’re missing out.
Missing out?
Yes, in addition to enhancing the flavor of certain dishes, onions can be used
in other ways.
Those other ways:

1) Iron Works-
Oh no, you set the iron too high and it burned your favorite pair of slacks.
To fix the problem, get an onion out. Cut the onion in half and rub the cut side of a
halved onion on the spot, then soak the garment in cold, soapy water for an
hour before laundering as usual. Compounds in the onion will break down
the carbon particles in the scorch mark, so the stain comes right off in the wash.

2) Rust Remover-
Have any silverware that’s starting to show signs of aging? I.E. starting to rust.
To save that knife or fork, stab each fork or knife into a large onion and saw
the utensil back and forth. Acids in the onion will break down rust so your
silverware looks-and works like new.

3) Stubborn Gunk-
To minimize the stubborn stains from pots and pans, rub the glass dish or pot with
the flat side of a cut onion and let it sit for a few minutes then wash as usual.
Enzymes in the onion will break down the grime, so you can easily rinse off the gunk.

4) A Beauty Aids-
Summer is almost here, and you’re still concerned your feet aren’t “Sandal-ready,”
no problem, to soften those calluses, just place half an onion in a bowl and add
enough white vinegar to cover it; let it alone for 4 hours. Before bed, peel off the
top layer of the onion and cover the callus with it. Secure with plastic wrap, then put
on a sock. The onion’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties and vinegar’s
acetic acid will soften the calluses while you sleep.

5) Brass Tacks-
Your brass doorknob doesn’t look as good as it did a few years ago. To restore
that brass doorknob to its splendid glory, use an onion. The onion remedy:
Fill a pot with 1 cup of water and half a sliced onion; let simmer on low heat for
2 hours. Let cool, then dip a washcloth in the solution and use it to shine the brass
doorknob. The hot water releases the onion’s natural acids, which will break down
the tarnish.

6) Take The Sting Out-
Enjoying a nice day at the beach and then a bee stings, what do you do?
Remove the stinger with tweezers, then cut an onion in half and hold the cut
side over the affected area for 5 to 10 mins. Enzymes in the onion will reduce
the inflammation caused by the sting, giving you some comfort and relief.

7) Prevent The Brown Spots-
You only need half an avocado, so save the other half with this trick.
To prevent browning-place the other half in an airtight container with
half an onion. The onion releases sulfur dioxide, which prevents the
oxidation that turns the avocado browns.

8) Natural Pest Repellent-
Tired of the beetles and aphids ruining certain flowers and plants? To keep
the pests away, make an onion tea. To make: Slice an onion and place the
slices inside a watering can, then fill with water. Place the can in the Sun
for a few hours to allow the onion to steep, then use the tea to water the plants
that the pests are drawn to. Insects hate the smell of onions, which means they’ll
steer clear. Repeat a day or so after a rainfall.

9) Remove Odors-
Your teenage sons love hanging out and spending time in their bedrooms
and family room and therein lies the problem. What is it? Musty odors.
To remove the odors and funky smells, cut an onion in half and leave it on a plate
(in the room) overnight. The onion will release enzymes that neutralize the odors,
leaving your family room or their bedroom smelling fresh and clean by morning time.

10) Pain Reduction For Kids-
Kids are known for getting scraped knees, boos-boos and earaches.
And if earaches are the top concern in your household, use an onion
to put an end to the problem. To do: Cut an onion in half and heat it up
in the microwave for 30 to 45 secs. Making sure it’s not too hot, wrap it in
a washcloth. Hold the flat side of the onion against his (or her) ear for
10 minutes while he looks at an I-pad or television. Heating up an onion
releases sulfur, a gas with anti-inflammatory properties that will relieve
pressure and pain inside the ear canal.

There you have it, 10 incredible uses for a lowly and low-priced onion.

* Simply Organized
* Cook-Clean-Craft
* Living Well Mom
* Home In The Green

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