If you think it’ll cost you a small fortune to get healthy, you’re sadly mistaken.
In fact, you can lower blood pressure or ease joint pain for less than a few dollars.

Not convinced?
Well, look below for the answers.

a) Faster Weight Loss-
Not losing weight even after working out? You may be sabotaging your weight loss
by eating things you shouldn’t be eating after your workout.
The simple fix: Use your mind to lose weight.
Your mind?
Yes, take 10 minutes each day, find a spot where you won’t be interrupted and
visualize yourself at the weight you want to be. You can also visualize
yourself fitting into great clothes, receiving compliments from family and
friends and sitting or running on the beach in a form-fitting two piece
bathing suit or bikini. Visualizing positive outcomes changes brain-wave
patterns and heightens neural connections within the brain, making sticking
to a healthy eating regimen so much easier.

b) Be Kind To Your Heart-
Yes exercising and eating right will do wonders for your heart, but so
will blackberries. Adding blackberry powder or frozen or fresh berries to a
salad or smoothie and you can reduce artery-clogging LDL (bad) cholesterol
by 15 points-enough to cut your risk by 25%. Researchers say you can
also get the same reduction by running or brisk walking for 30 mins. each day,
but if you don’t have the time, then you may want to have blackberries instead.
Blackberries contain polyphenols, special compounds that help keep blood fats
in balance. Another low-cost way to boost heart health: Stop or don’t even start
drinking energy drinks. (Monster and/or Red Bull).

c) Lower Stress Levels-
Now that Spring season is in full bloom, take advantage of it.
How? By taking in the scenic views of green grass, flowers blooming,
and trees growing their leaves and you can cut the risk of anxiety by 70%.
Taking in the scent of the leaves, freshly cut grass and flowers activates
the autonomic nervous system-a branch of nerves that tamps down
the release of stress hormones.

d) Memory Boosters-
Want to keep your memory 30 years younger especially as you get older?
Then take 20 to 30 mins. each day and play fun brain games. Fun mental
challenges boost the brain’s ability to grow and reshape itself at any age.
Find fun games online at MindGames.com.

e) Lower Blood Pressure-
High blood pressure frightens a lot of folks and for good reason, it
can really increase your odds of dying or having a serious heart attack
or stroke, and if your blood pressure is a little high and you want
something other than a strict diet or medication from your doctor to
treat it, learn to control your breathing.
Yes, spending about 5 to 7 minutes each day inhaling deeply can trim 9
points off blood pressure in less than 7 weeks. Need help learning how to
breathe properly? Go online to Amazon.com and look for the Respiratory
Trainer. It (the trainer) allows you to inhale against resistance prompting
the release of nitric oxide, a chemical that makes blood vessels relax and

f) Alleviate Joint Pain-
Exercise can help if achy joints are a problem, but what if you don’t want
to exercise every time your joints start to ache?
For you, there’s lingering.
Lingering in bed to be exact. Stay in bed for 5 to 10 minutes after waking
up and do a few simple exercises. The exercises: Reach your arms overhead,
circle your ankles and pull your knees to your chest before getting up
each morning. Doing this can cut your daytime aches and pains by as much
as 60%. Stretching spurs endorphin release–plus they flush pain-triggering
fluids out of joint tissues.

That’s it, 6 great, low-cost and no-sweat ways to boost health and avoid
paying big medical and pharmacy bills.

* University of Calif. Irvine (research dept.)
* British Research Dept.
* Manchester Memorial Hospital, Connecticut
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