As we age, many of us start to see many more lines, age spots,
creases and other imperfections on our faces.
And if this is happening to you, and you’re thinking about
cosmetic surgery, hold off on that and try something natural.

Something natural?
Yes, as in “beauty tonics!”

What are they?
They’re drinks that are light, low-calorie and loaded with beautifying
benefits, thanks to produce that’s available at any grocery store.

The “tonics” were founded by Doctor Arleen K. Lamb, who
wanted an alternative to the intrusive, expensive and sometimes
dangerous cosmetic surgery.

So, if you want a youthful and healthy complexion courtesy
of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, just look below and
choose the tonic that best suits your (beauty) needs.

a) Fine Lines and Wrinkles-
This tonic contains the spice we’ve written about in the
past, (and will certainly write about in the future) and
it is: Turmeric.
That’s right, the spice that helps you stave off mental
decline (Alzheimer’s) as you age, can also fight free radical
damage that causes the fine lines and wrinkles.
The Recipe: Iced Turmeric Tonic!
Coconut Water, (choose a quality brand) 6 to 8 oz.
1 tsp. turmeric powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. dark honey
To make:
Add coconut water to a large heat-proof
mug; microwave for a minute or until
hot. Stir in the turmeric; let it steep for
10 to 15 minutes and stir in the honey
and cinnamon. Refrigerate until cool,
then pour into a tall glass filled with ice
and enjoy.
b) Puffiness-
Too little sleep, too much salt or drinking a few too many
cocktails can cause swelling under the eyes, and chin.
To counter the puffiness- get some cucumber, celery and
You may already know about placing cucumber slices
over the eyes, but now, you’re going to have to drink
some cucumber.
This tonic works as a ‘skin detox” thanks to the cucumber
and celery that act as mild diuretics to flush out toxins
and the ginger- removes the excess water, making your
skin look tighter and leaner.
The Recipe: Ginger Cucumber Tonic!
A few kale leaves, cleaned and chopped
2 celery stalks, cleaned
1/2 cucumber, leave the peel for extra fiber
1 mint leaf or 1 tsp. dried mint
2 to 4 oz. of water
Piece of fresh ginger, 1 or 2 inches
1 Tbs. lemon juice
To make:
In a blender or juicer add the first 5 ingredients, blitz
well and then add the remaining ingredients and blend
again for 30 seconds and pour into a tall glass and
Important tip: If you find this tonic too bitter, feel free to add
a small amount of dark honey to it.
c) Unsightly Blemishes or Discoloration-
Concerned about your uneven skin tone?
Or the blemishes that pop up at the most inopportune
times? (like a first date).
Well, put an end to both skin issues with tasty
fruit and vegetables.
This tonic uses the ABC’s of produce.
Apples, beets and carrots.
Apple juice contains vitamin C, to heal breakouts,
beet juice contain anti-inflammatory nutrients
that calm irritated and inflamed skin and the
carrot juice- delivers antioxidants that make the skin
The Recipe: An “ABC” Tonic!
2 oz. of beet juice
1 oz. carrot juice
1 oz. apple juice
2 to 3 oz. of sparkling water
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
To make:
In a tall glass filled with ice, add all of the
ingredients, stir well and enjoy.
Important tip:
In the future, you may want to buy some beets,
carrots and apples and make your own fresh
juice. Buying fresh juice can be expensive.

And lastly, to further complement your new and
improved complexion, try these 2 yoga moves,
both of which do exactly what the tonics will do…
keep skin tight and taut and fight breakouts and fine lines.

Yoga Pose No. 1- Seated Twist
Sit cross-legged on the floor or on a mat, arms
at your sides. Place right hand on left thigh and slowly exhale
as you twist torso to your left. Hold for 30 secs. Repeat on
opposite side.
Yoga Pose No. 2- Forward Bend
Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips.
Inhale, then exhale as you bend forward at hips.
Cross arms and loosely hold elbows. Let folded
arms and head hang freely as you inhale and exhale
for 30 secs. Place hands on hips and return to standing

That’s it- your juicing and yoga moves for “perfect Hollywood skin!”