Thanks to new research you now may be able to end a debilitating health
problem with a specific type of water.
The debilitating health problem: Migraines and the water that may alleviate the pain:
Coconut water.

That’s right, a woman who suffered from pain-crushing migraines read about
coconut water and it’s ability to help end pain, (especially head pain) and she decided
I’ve tried everything else, so let me try it.
She’d have a glass first thing in the morning and if the pain persisted, she’d have
another glass, and to her amazement, the pain vanished in a matter of days.

How and why does it (C.water) work?
Minerals in coconut water trigger the release of pain-reducing hormones.

So, if constant headache pain is happening to you or a loved one,
perhaps some unsweetened coconut water may be the only natural
medicine you need.

Another tip:
The woman also decided to give up all caffeine, as it (caffeine) is a
diuretic, so no more coffee, tea, hot cocoa and even chocolate candy.
She also cut out processed foods and sugary treats and beverages,
while trying to find a cure.

And lastly, if migraines aren’t a problem for you, you can also get relief from
some other health problems, like…
a) High Blood Pressure-
The water is rich in potassium, which relaxes blood vessel walls.
Enjoy 2 1/2 cups daily and lower blood pressure by 12 points in less
than 3 weeks. Before opting for Dr. prescribed meds, you may want to
try coconut water first.
Important tip: Talk to your doctor first, as your blood pressure may be so
high, medication may be your only option.

b) Weight-Loss Aid-
Coconut water can increase energy expenditure by 50% for up to 5 hours.
How? The water’s rich stores of manganese stimulate the production of thyroxine,
a hormone that speeds up your weight loss.

c) Reduced Blood Sugar Levels-
Concerned you might become diabetic? Put those fears aside and drink
more coconut water. Coconut water contains electrolytes and if it’s unsweetened,
it’ll help improve blood-sugar control by 40%, warding off the fluctuations that can
leave you tired and brain-fogged.

d) Read Something From The Past-
As mentioned at the top of this post, coconut water can alleviate (and end) migraine
pain, and if you’re female and suffer from menstrual pain (cramps) drink a few
glasses of unsweetened coconut water each day and see if it helps.

Read our past post on coconut water and painful periods for more info.

* Josh Axe, D.N.M.
* American Journal of Nursing (AJN)

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