Now that Thanksgiving is over, what are you going to do with the leftovers?

You know, that half eaten pan of stuffing and Mac and cheese or that cranberry

Well, don’t despair, we here at have some suggestions on
how to use up those leftovers.
Our suggestions:

a) Turkey-
If you think sandwiches or soup are the only options, you’re wrong, use that turkey
to make stir-fried dishes using rice or pasta with turkey and vegetables, pot pies,
add some to salads or to top a pizza.
Or add bits of it to a bowl with mashed potatoes (or stuffing) an egg and some
shredded cheese (mix well) and fry on top of the stove or bake for
for Sunday morning “turkey hash browns.”

b) Cranberry Sauce-
Use it to liven up that plain Old turkey sandwich, add some fresh cranberries to a
smoothies or tuck into cups of yogurt, an adult beverage or your breakfast of
pancakes or oatmeal. Or grind some up and place inside your ground turkey or beef
burgers for added flavor and more fiber.

c) Gravy-
Use up leftover gravy in a day or two or place in a container and freeze it, ,
you can use it to cover French fries, (use white or sweet potatoes) or ladle some over
your pot pie or turkey casserole. Or you do like our Southern brothers and sisters
and serve it over meatloaf, steak or warm biscuits.

d) Vegetables-
If you roasted up vegetables only to have the guests avoid them and go for the
turkey and fattening carbs, (rice, mashed potatoes , Mac & Cheese and stuffing)
hold on, get out the blender, puree them and serve them over stir-fried dishes,
add them to vegetable or turkey broths or combine them with some cream
for a tastier form of soup. Use them to trick kids as well, hide them in tacos,
frittatas, burgers and omelets. And lastly, don’t forget to add some pureed veggies
to spaghetti sauces, soups and stews.

e) Mashed Potatoes and Carbs-
If you’re one of the few who still has these delectable starches around and you want to
get rid of them, you use em to make Cottage or Shepherd’s pie, use them to make
Mousaka, potato and stuffing pancakes, paninis, or place some stuffing on a turkey
sandwich along with cranberry sauce and for the more adventurous, buy some
portobello mushrooms or bell peppers, and fill them with stuffing, some turkey,
your favorite cheese and some tomato sauce and bake for 10 or 15 minutes at 350*F.

f) Bread-
You may already be aware of using bread to make breadcrumbs, but you can also
use that bread to make croutons, sandwiches, bread pudding, French toast, or if it’s a loaf,
use it to make Bruschetta. And one more tip: Make sure to check the herbs and spice
contents of the bread, for instance, you don’t want to use garlic or herbed bread to make
bread pudding or French toast.

g) Canned Apples or Pumpkin-
Or even sweet potatoes, if you have an extra can of two of any of these foods, use them
in pancake batter, or mix them with some brown sugar (or honey) and serve over
French toast, oatmeal or millet, add them to baked goods, (brownies, muffins, or cookies)
combine them with cream cheese for a richer and more decadent dessert, (brownie
or muffins)or add to stir-fries, soups, or stews, (pumpkin and sweet potatoes).
One last tip: Or hold onto them, and save for Christmas, or until next year’s holiday,
as canned goods should last a year.

And to help get you started on your quest to using up those leftovers, here’s
a recipe for “Leftover”Turkey-Pot Pie!
1 package of pie crusts, Frozen, 2 crusts
1/2 stick of butter, unsalted
1 cup of mushrooms, (white button or cremini) finely chopped
1/2 cup of chopped onions
1/2 cup of chopped carrots
1/3 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. of salt,
1/4 tsp. of black pepper
2 cups of turkey or chicken stock
1/2 cup of heavy cream, half and half or whole milk
3 cups of shredded turkey (cooked)
1/2 cup of corn, canned or frozen (regular, not creamed)
1 cup of peas, canned or frozen
To make: Preheat the oven to 350*F. In a large saucepan, melt the butter over
medium-heat. Add the mushrooms, onion and carrots, cook for 5 to 7 mins.
stirring throughout, just until the mushrooms have released their liquid,
and that liquid has evaporated. The vegetables should be a light golden color.
Stir in the flour, salt and pepper and continue to stir until the vegetables
are well coated with the flour and everything turns blondish. Add in the broth,
(slowly) then the cream, stirring frequently, until the mixture is thick and bubbling.
Add the turkey, corn and peas and stir to combine.
Fill the bottom half of the pie shell with this mixture. Place the other half
of the pie shell on top, crimp the edges, make a few slits on the top crust
with a knife, so the steam can escape. Bake for 20 to 30 mins. making sure
to allow the crust to turn a golden brown. Remove the pie from the oven
and leave on top of the stove for 10 to 20 minutes before cutting into it.
Use a big spoon to serve this pie as it may get messy.

And one more tip: In addition to pot pies, you can also use up the leftovers,
stuffing, turkey, roasted sweet potatoes, heavy cream, peas and corn
and make a different type of pot pie.

That’s it- for today, And Remember, Good Luck, Good Eating and Good Health!

a) Taste of Home Magazine
b) Paula Deen, T.V.Chef On Fox Nation
c) Katie Workman, Writer @ Associated Press
d) Jay Jandrain, President & CEO of Butterball Turkey