Latin America’s Favorite Food!

When you think of the foods that are associated with
certain cultures and nationalities, what comes to
mind when you think of beans?

You think, these are foods that a lot of people in Latin America
countries eat. Rice and Beans to be exact.

And the reason they eat so many beans:
It may be due to the availability, the low prices,the taste
or because they help you keep cool and calm.

That’s right, people all over the world have been
dealing with elevated stress levels due to Co-Vid-19,
and many are uncomfortable taking prescribed meds.

So, if your stress levels are up due to the pandemic,
perhaps you should take after your Latin brothers and sisters
and start adding more beans to your menus.

Why are beans so effective?

Researchers say beans can boost levels of magnesium,
a mineral with proven-anxiety-easing effects.
Plus, beans are rich in blood-sugar balancing fiber,
and steadier blood sugar levels also improve moods.

To start getting the benefits–make sure
to put a few cans of lentils, navy, kidney and blackbeans
on your grocery list.

A side note: put some onions in your cart as well,
they too, also benefit your liver by energizing your liver, helping
it (the liver) to quickly break down and flush toxins from your
Not a fan of onions? Scallions and shallots are also beneficial.

Use the beans in stir-fries, mash up red beans to make
meatless burgers, add to soups, serve over rice,
put them in smoothies, plus many more options.

And if you’re comfortable using fresh, dry beans,
by all means go for it.

Look online if you want to find a dish or two to use
up your beans.

Coming up in future posts:
The effects of beans on arthritis and preventing
insulin issues, (diabetes).