Many more people will be grilling now that the weather is finally warming up and
if you’re one of them, make sure to keep the mosquitoes and other flying pests away.

How do you keep the pests away?
By using some kitchen staples.

The kitchen staples that’ll help you without resorting to pricey (and potentially)
dangerous chemicals and bug zappers.

The Helpful Kitchen Staples:
a) Citrus:
Do you throw out your lemon and orange peels?
Well, if you save them for compost piles, that’s okay, but now,
you can save them for your next Barbecue or grilling session.
Spread those orange, lime and lemon peels where the pests
(especially flies) tend to hang out. Flies hate the smell of citrus.

b) Sugar-
It’s not good for your waistline or immune system, but if wasps
are a problem when you’re in the backyard, it (sugar) will be great for them.
To make a natural repellent: Boil 2 cups of water and 1/2 cup of sugar.
Let cool, pour into an empty water bottle and place it a few feet from your
seating area. The sweet mixture will attract the wasps, but once inside the
bottle, they won’t be able to fly out.

c) Cinnamon-
Ah yes, a sprinkle of cinnamon in your tea or oatmeal is good for you,
but if ants are ruining your outdoor picnic, the cinnamon won’t be so good
for them (the ants).
Before setting out food, sprinkle cinnamon around the table legs. The
aroma disrupts the scent trail ants leave behind, so they won’t know
to follow their leader onto your table.

d) Rosemary-
This little used herb not only protects you from the carcinogens that
may come from meats (and veggies) that are too charred while on the grill.
This herb does double duty and also keeps mosquitoes away.
The flying pests hate the scent and will do anything to avoid it.
So, buy a few extra sprigs while shopping and when you have your next
outdoor barbecue, roast a few sprigs on the grill and let the scent waft
through the air. And place a few grilled sprigs around the chairs and table.

e) Three Non-Food Tips.
They’re also 3 other things that’ll help your outdoor grilling adventure remain
pest-free and they are…
* Remove Water Hot-spots.
In other words, if you have birdbaths, kiddie pools, dog food bowls or
buckets of water lying around, get rid of them while spending time outdoors.
Mosquitoes are naturally attracted to all types of objects that contain
water and that’s not just big items like kiddie pools, but soda bottle caps,
small planters and even kids toys: trucks, small shovels, and pails.
Another tip: If you have a small garden of flowers or produce, make
sure not to water them too much and on the days (and nights) you plan
on enjoying your backyard.
* Bring In Some Fans-
Yes, you can use small and large fans if the temperature really goes up,
but place a few small fans on the table to deter mosquitoes and other
flying pests. Another tip: Place a fan by the backdoor where your guests
are going in and out on a continuous basis. Doing this ensures the
mosquitoes (or flies) won’t try and enter the house with you.
* Scented Flowers-
Another no-no: flowers on the tables. Mosquitoes are attracted to the
scent of strongly scented flowers.

* Chelle Hartzer–Entomologist
* Rhianna Miller, Home & Garden Design Expert
* Farmer’s Market Magazine

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends who enjoy
grilling, barbecuing or sitting outdoors during the Spring and Summer months.
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