Are you one who hates to throw anything away?
We’re not speaking to those who hoard, but those that may save the water
from boiled potatoes to pour on indoor plants.
Or you may save table scraps to put outside on a compost pile and then
there are those who juice and save the pulp.

Juice and saving the pulp?
Yes, now that we’re 3 months into the new year, a number of Americans
are juicing in the hopes that it’ll help them get into bathing suit-shape by
May and June, and if you’re saving the pulp for stews, soups or baked goods,
save some to enhance beauty.

Enhance beauty?
Yes, as in using the pulp to smear on your face, hands and scalp.
Still not convinced?
No problem, continue reading to learn more.

The Pulp Rxs:
a) Celery Pulp-
Popular for more than a decade, celery juice is being drunk to relieve everything
from adult acne to aching joints and the pulp left behind is packed with
anti-inflammatory properties, that can calm red, rashy skin on contact.
To get the benefits, rub the pulp onto irritated skin. Let it sit for 10 mins. then
rinse off.

b) Carrot Pulp-
Carrot peels contain vitamin A, a vital nutrient that encourages elastin production
to tone up saggy spots like jowls. To reduce jowls, take some carrot pulp, place
on the jaws, leave on for 10 to 15 mins. then remove and rinse.

c) Cucumber Pulp-
You may already be familiar with the cucumber slices under the eyes to reduce
dark circles and puffiness. Well, using the pulp can do the same thing.
Cucumber’s caffeic acid flushes fluids that build up underneath eyes to reduce
the puffiness.
To get the puffiness down, lie back and place some cucumber pulp under each
each eye. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

d) Onion and Garlic Pulp-
You may not juice onions and garlic like you do cucumbers and carrots,
but you may want to start and then add the juice to a stew or
spaghetti sauce.
And after juicing one or both foods, save the pulp for your hair.
That’s right, both foods contain compounds that help hair grow.
To help your locks, take a bit of the pulp and apply to your scalp,
place a shower cap on your head and leave on for 10 to 15 mins.
After that, you may want to shampoo and then rinse your hair.
Another tip:
One woman pours a little onion or garlic juice right into her shampoo.
She says that as a result, her hair is becoming noticeably thicker.

e) Apple Pulp-
Are you seeing more fine lines on your once youthful face?
Well, you may want to save some apple pulp and use it on your face.
Apples, especially the skin, contain compounds that help keep skin
youthful and wrinkle-free.
Another tip:
To make the apple mask more effective, put a little of the pulp in
a small saucepan with a 1/4 cup of milk. Heat for a few minutes,
turn off the heat, let it cool down and then lie back and apply to your face,
neck and back of the hands. Leave on for 15 mins. and then rinse off with
warm water.

That’s it, some great tips for those who love to use every bit of a food item and
not waste anything.


Please make sure to pass these beauty tips on to family and friends who want to look
more youthful and hate to waste food. You can share it over at Facebook, Instagram
(stories), Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, Tik-Tok, LinkedIn and Twitter.
