You may enjoy your green, Earl Grey or oolong tea and that’s okay,
but you may also want to start drinking the tea that the people of
India swears by, the tea: Chai Tea.

The sweet, creamy Indian-spiced tea is packed with great-for-you
antioxidants that do everything from preventing diabetes to protecting
your heart’s health.

So, if you want the health benefits just mentioned, make sure your
Chai tea contains the following…
* Cloves-
The sweet-smelling, spicy cloves in Chai have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
properties that are so powerful, they can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, destroy
food poisoning germs and even regulate blood-sugar levels and insulin activity,
potentially staving off diabetes.

* Cinnamon-
Just 1/4 tsp. each day lowers blood sugar levels by 30%, while also reducing
fats in the bloodstream–potentially slowing (or preventing) Type 2 diabetes
and obesity. Another benefit: Cinnamon also destroys 99% of germs like
E.Coli-the main culprit behind urinary tract infections.

* Black Peppercorns-
Do you only add black pepper to stews, meat dishes and eggs? Start adding it
to your tea to rev up circulation and energy levels and boost metabolism by 10%.
The main ingredient in peppercorns-piperine, triggers digestive enzymes that help
break down food, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients, as well as
coating the stomach lining to prevent heartburn.

* Cardamom-
Want to save money on breath mints? Add some cardamom to your tea.
This spice neutralizes dental plaque and kills the bacteria that cause bad breath,
leaving a fresh and aromatic scent in your mouth that lasts for hours.
You can also chew a few seeds after a meal of pasta loaded with
garlic and onions.

* Black Tea-
Each cup of chai tea starts with a base of black tea. Drinking a
cup or two of black tea each day lowers your stroke risk by 70%.
Compounds in tea prevents blood platelets from clumping and
creating clots, slow plaque buildup in arteries and improve blood
vessel function by 50% within a month. Another benefit: Compounds
in black tea may even reverse the damage and progression of
cardiovascular disease.

So, if you’re convinced that Chai tea will be part of your anti-aging
regimen, here’s a recipe to make it at home.
The recipe:
Fill a saucepan with 5 cups of water, 1 tsp. each of ground cinnamon,
cardamom and ginger and 1/2 tsp. each of peppercorns and cloves.
Bring to a boil; let simmer for about 5 mins. Remove pan from heat
and add 4 to 5 bags of black tea. (More bags lead to a stronger brew.)
Steep 5 to 10 mins. Return to low heat; stir in 1 cup of milk; simmer 1 min.
Sweeten to taste with honey, pure maple syrup or brown sugar.
Serves 6.
If this is too time consuming, look for chai tea at health-food stores,
Trader Joe’s, regular grocery stores, Whole Foods, or online at

* Journal Clinical Laboratory Science
* Asian Research Team
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