Soup for Menopausal Women!

If you’re continuing to eat like it’s Thanksgiving and Christmas combined,
you may want to copy down the following recipe for soup.

Yes, not just any soup, but an anti-inflammatory soup that also slims.

The recipe for this soup was created by a Texas Ob-Gyn, Dr. Mary Haver,
who noticed that a lot of her patients after the age of 35 weren’t able to
keep weight off after losing it.

The doctor conceded that many women were eating too many anti-inflammatory
foods, like processed and sugary foods and not eating enough vegetables, fruit,
beans and seeds.

So, with this knowledge, the doctor created some tasty recipes that include
“good-for-you” foods that not only taste great, but also reduces brain fog,
inflammation, alleviate chronic pain, reverse pre-diabetes, and help you lose
weight and keep it off.

And to help you on your journey of looking and felling good, here’s
a simple soup recipe.
The soup:
Anti-Inflammation Bean Soup!
16 oz. of dry beans (soak overnight)
1 lb. of ground turkey or use leftover chicken
(cook the turkey first)
1 cup of each (onions, bell peppers and celery) finely chopped
or buy already pre-chopped
1 can of Ro-Tel (tomatos combined with green Chiles and spices
or buy a can of tomatoes and a can of green Chiles and add your
favorite spices and herbs
1/4 cup of olive oil
2 Tbs. of Better than Bouillon (combination of vegetables and meat)
to make any type of food taste better
To make-
place all ingredients in a slow cooker or large pot (on top of the stove)
add water to cover to the ingredients, bring to a boil and then reduce
the heat to low and cook for 6 to 8 hours.

That’s it, a quick and easy soup recipe that’ll help you slim down
and rid your body of dangerous inflammation.

And lastly, if you want more great information and recipes,
head to a bookstore near you or go online to
and order the book from the good doctor.
The book:
“The New Menopause”

* Doctor Mary Claire Haver, author of The New Menopause
* Doctor Mary Haver on Tik-Tok
* University of Chicago, research dept.
* Woman’s World Magazine, recipe-April 22nd edition

Please pass this article and the recipe on to family and friends
who struggle with belly fat and inflammation and want some
great tips and recipes on how to lose the weight once and for all.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat,
Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
