The Asian woman’s tea Rx to slow down the aging process.

For a long time, people have often wondered how the women of Asian countries
manage to look 5, 10 or even more years younger than their actual age.
Is it their diet?
A diet of vegetables, rice, fish and very little meat.
Or is it the strong family ties?
As Asians get up there in age, younger family members take them in
and care for them.
Or is it the exercise?
Tai Chi, yoga, gardening, biking or plenty of walking. (gentle types of exercise)
Or does the tea get the credit?
You know, green tea, oolong tea or five-spice powder tea.

Five-spice powder tea?
Yes, like Indians and Chai tea, many Chinese women drink
their own special brew, like Five-Spice tea.
It (five-spice powder) is a cooking staple in China
and some researchers say that the tea is a health-boosting powerhouse,
loaded with benefits that contribute to Asian’s long life expectancy.

So, if you want to increase your own longevity or you just want
a tea that’s different from your regular drinking tea, here’s the recipe
and some explanations of the ingredients in Five-Spice Tea.

a) Cinnamon-
Becoming more popular in a number of beverages, it (cinnamon)
can help keep blood pressure in check. Using 1/2 to 1 tsp. of
cinnamon each day can lower blood sugar levels by 30%.
The spice is rich in compounds that improve insulin sensitivity.
And if you enjoy a sweet (carb) treat, like pie or muffins, make sure
to add some cinnamon to the batter or pie plate before baking,
as it can help prevent the usual blood-sugar spikes associated
with sweet desserts.

b) Fennel Seeds-
Not much is known about the green plant that resembles celery, but if
your digestion system isn’t working normally, then you might need to add
fennel seeds to your tea or meals. The seeds are slightly sweet and help
ward off stomach cramps and indigestion and that’s why many people
chew on a few seeds after a big or rich meal.
More benefits: Calm down those painful menstrual cramps. Chew on a
few seeds during your period, beginning three days before, and you’ll reduce
menstrual pain about as effectively as Ibuprofen, plus stop other
symptoms such as swelling and bloating.
Fennel Tea-
Some women claim that drinking fennel seed tea during pregnancy helps
prevent miscarriages and then some claim that it’s a natural diet aid.
Drink 2 to 4 cups of fennel tea a day to help lose stubborn belly fat.
Bad Breath-
Concerned after eating garlic or onions?
Carry a few seeds in your purse or wallet and chew on them to freshen up
your breath.

c) Star Anise-
Prevent Colds and Flu!
Another secret to living a good, long life: Avoiding colds and flu
and the spice you’ll need to do that is called Star Anise!
Shaped like a star, this licorice-flavored spice works like penicillin.
It’s rich in antimicrobial compounds that wipe out 60 plus different strains
of antibiotic-resistant bacteria as well as viruses like the flu and fungi
like Candida. Another reason for its success in helping you beat colds
and flu: It’s a natural source of shikimic acid, the main ingredient in
Look for star anise at most supermarkets or online at
or Or you can use aniseed.

d) Sichuan Peppercorns-
Another spice to help with bloating and heartburn.
This citrus-flavored spice creates a slight tingling sensation in the mouth,
triggering digestive enzymes and gastric juices that break down food.
Another benefit:
Peppercorns stimulate metabolism to speed up fat burning.
Look for peppercorns at Asian markets or online at,
or Or use black or white peppercorns, which can be found
at most supermarkets.

e) Cloves-
If your joints are achy and painful at age 50, then you may not want to
live another 20 or 30 years and to relieve painful joints use cloves.
They’re often used to spice up Easter hams and baked goods,
but you may want to add them to this special cup of tea if
you have knee, ankle, back or neck pain. The special ingredient in them
is called eugenol, which works just like over-the-counter med
inflammatories like Celebrex. Plus, cloves can help stop the breakdown
of cartilage by blocking harmful toxins and inflammatory substances,
preventing any further joint damage.
Look for cloves (whole or ground) at any supermarket.

f) Recipe For Five-Spice Tea!
You can find five-spice tea already prepared in some stores, (Asian markets)
but if you can’t find it, just buy all of the spices and make it yourself.
2 tsp. of ground cinnamon
2 tsp. of Star-Anise or aniseed
2 tsp. of ground Sichuan pepper or use black or white peppercorns
2 tsp. of ground fennel seeds
2 tsp. of ground cloves
To make:
Boil a pot of water, toss in the spices, reduce heat and let simmer
for 5 mins. Remove from heat, pour a mug and if desired, you can
also add some milk, or lemon and honey to your tea.
You can also pour all of the spices into a clean jar or container
and rub on chicken (leave on for at least 1 hour) then place in the
oven, or add it to a bowl of oatmeal, millet, barley, a smoothie or
baked goods. (Christmas cookies).

* Elaine Luo of
* Gerald Booker, Ph. D.
* USDA Researchers

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