Preventing colds and flu right now is on the minds of millions of Americans
and if you think you need megadoses of vitamin C or expensive foods
like Acai berries or wild-caught salmon to stay healthy, you’re wrong.

According to researchers, there are some foods out there that many of us
will be enjoying this holiday season that work just as well as
doctor-prescribed or drugstore medicines.

The Foods and Beverage:
a) Eggs-
Whether you spend money on cage-free, organic eggs or a $2 carton of regular
eggs, just make sure you get 1 to 2 daily to stay healthy this winter.
Eggs have a trio of nutrients (lutein, choline and amino acids), that encourage
the immune system to release antiviral proteins called interleukins.
And these special proteins protect against everything from colds to Co-Vid,
plus reduce your recovery time by as much as 60% if you do come down with
a cold or the flu.

b) Cheese-
Like eggs, cheese often gets a bad rap for being a high fat food, that’s just not
good for you, but today, researchers say that fatty cheese contains bioactive
peptides that activate “stay young” genes inside immune cells.
Another plus: Cheese prods your white blood cells to attack foreign invaders
faster and more energetically.
Eat a small amount of top quality cheese each day.

c) Beef-
Concerned it (beef) might be damaging your arteries and making you
fat? Don’t believe it. Eating 3 to 4 ounces a few times a week cuts the risk
of illness in half over the holiday season. Red meat has ample amounts
of zinc, which is a powerful antiviral mineral that destroys germs at their
most common point of entry-the tissues lining the nose and throat.
For the best results, make sure to choose lean cuts of top quality beef,
which enhance zinc absorption.

d) Garlic-
The price of garlic may not be scaring you away, but having garlic breath
does cause concerns for many people. But wait, the benefits of eating some
each day should outweigh the concerns for garlic breath and those benefits:
A clove each day lowers your odds of catching a viral infection by 65%.
It (garlic) is packed with 85 unique sulfur compounds that energize
virus-destroying dynamos called “natural killer cells.”
Important tip:
If you do have garlic breath after a meal and want something natural to
combat it, try chewing a sprig of fresh parsley (don’t swallow it) or down
a Tbs. (or two) of plain yogurt.

e) Nuts-
Eating nuts during the holidays is the norm for a lot of people and if you’re
one who enjoys a few cashews, almonds or chestnuts this time of year,
give yourself a pat on the back. Having a few nuts each day cuts your risk
of catching a cold in half. And if you do catch a cold, a small amount of nuts
will help you get over a cold much faster. Nuts contain magnesium which
prods the immune cells to make more germ-killing antibodies.

f) Wine-
Red wine, white wine and even champagne are quite popular this time
of year and if you do indulge in a glass (or two) each day, you’ll cut your risk
of catching a cold by 45%. And something even better: If you’re around
people who are sick, drinking wine helps block the growth of viruses (germs)
that’ll try and sneak into your system.

That’s it, the 6 tasty holiday foods that also work as Immunity boosters.

* Spanish Research Team
* Journal-Frontiers in Nutrition
* American Journal of Epidemiology
* Journal of Integrative Medicine

Please make sure to share this valuable information
with family and friends, so they too, can stay cold and flu-free
this year and the upcoming new year (2024).

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