Ah Summertime, the time to really take advantage of the wide array of fruits
and vegetables that are available and cheap and one of those fruits is Avocados.

Yes, it’s a fruit and if your grocery store or big chain store (B.J.’s or Costco)
has them on sale, make sure to buy plenty of them.

And listed below are some tips on how to buy them, store them and use them.

Tip no. 1- Buying Them.
If you can remove the brown tip at the top easily and they’re soft, that means
they’re ripe. If you don’t want them too ripe, leave them alone and go for the
ones that are hard. If you need ripe avocado right away, then buy them ripe.
Or buy some ripe ones, open them up, scoop out the flesh, place in
a container or plastic bag, pour some fresh lemon juice over them
(this will prevent browning) and place in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days
or in the freezer for a month or two.

Tip no. 2- Buying Unripe Avocados-
You can place some hard avocados in the produce drawer for a week or two
to ripen up. But, if you need one and only non-ripe ones are available, just place
1 or 2 in a brown paper bag (lunch sized bag) along with an apple, pear or
banana and it should ripen up in a day or two.

Tip no. 3- Health Benefits-
Avocados can do everything from keeping your skin youthful and supple,
to removing toxins and inflammation from your body which will make it easier
for you to move around as you age and boost brain function and prevent serious
eye problems (macular degeneration and night blindness).

Tip No. 4- Using Those Avocados-
* Air-Fry Them.
Yes, you can fry avocados. To make: Cut an avocado into 10 slices.
Dredge the slices in a beaten egg, and panko breadcrumbs.
After that, arrange them in an air-fryer basket (at 350 degrees) and fry for
3 mins. per side.

* Crab-Stuffed Treat-
Spoon out the avocado and place in a bowl.
Shred 8 oz. lump crab meat; mix with 3 Tbs. of mayo, 2 Tbs. of diced
red pepper, 1 Tbs. of diced jalapeno (remove the seeds if you don’t like
it too hot), 1 Tbs. of lemon juice and 1/4 tsp. of salt. Add all of these
ingredients to the bowl of avocado and mix well. Eat as is or spoon
this mixture onto crackers, wraps or sandwich bread.

* Healthy Dessert-
It’s no longer a secret that the following dessert using avocado
is favored by football great Tom Brady. The dessert: Choc. Pudding or
Choc. “Nice Cream” (Ice cream without the fattening milk and cream).
To make: Place 1 or 2 cups of avocado into a blender and add some
dark cocoa powder, a Tbs. of raw honey or pure maple syrup,
a 1 tsp. of chia seeds and 1 Tbs. of vanilla extract. Blend until
smooth, remove from the blender, place in 1 or 2 bowls or cups
and chill for an hour before eating or overnight.
Another tip: If you have some bananas that are a little too brown
or an overripe apple or pear or even some frozen berries, (blue, black
or raspberries) toss those in to make a real healthy dessert.

There you have it, some tips on buying, storing and using up
the hard-shelled green fruit known as avocados.

* American Journal of Alternative Health
* Healthiest Foods in The World- Popular Website
* First For Women- May 20-2024 Issue

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