Ladies, Summer is only a month away and for many, that’s means more salads.

Whether you choose salads to help you lose weight or you’re not into eating
heavy-calorie meals like you do in the Winter, just make sure it’s the healthiest
salad possible.

Simply put, forgo the lettuce, tomatoes, shredded carrots, onions and
salad dressing, and go for one that contains “superfoods” that’ll do everything
from help you relax, smooth out your skin to shielding you against cancer.

And for a list of these “superfoods” just look below.

Recipe for Mom’s “Superfood” Salad!

a) Romaine-
It’s replacing the usual iceberg lettuce, but do you know
what type of benefit you’re getting from romaine lettuce?
Well, if you’re hoping to slow down the aging of your skin,
this is the green for you. Romaine lettuce is packed with unique
antioxidants that heal and strengthen skin cells, reducing wrinkles,
improving moisture and something more impressive: it reduces your
risk of skin cancer by 50%.

b) Kale-
Another popular green, that’s often added to a smoothie or stir-fried,
it helps boost energy levels. Loaded with magnesium and potassium,
two nutrients that boost energy in a matter of days.
Plus, its B vitamins are proven mood and vitality boosters.
And one last benefit: Avoid the energy crashes that come from
that mid-morning candy bar or burger, fries and large soda lunch,
kale (and other greens) prevents the blood-sugar spikes that result
in such crashes.

c) Radicchio-
Not as popular as romaine or kale, this red and white veggie
can help relax you the same way a doctor prescribed medicine can.
Radicchio contains magnesium and calcium, two nutrients that are
vital for easing muscle tension. Plus, it contains a compound that
works just like a sedative, (helping to calm your nervous system.
And one last benefit: In some parts of Italy, it’s used as a natural sleep aid.

d) Dandelions-
Yes, the things you see grow like wildflowers in May and June, can
also flush toxins out of your system. Our bodies are exposed to a number
of chemicals and toxins on a daily basis and luckily, dandelions are one of the
best and safest ways to get rid of those toxins and chemicals.
Dandelions contain compounds that boost the liver and gallbladder’s ability
to usher toxins out of your system by an astonishing 85%. And when your body
is free of toxins and other chemicals, you’re able to think more clearly,
your metabolism speeds up and energy levels increase.

e) Arugula-
Lower your risks of breast and uterine cancer with this dark leafy green.
Arugula contains indole-3 carbinol (3C), a compound that helps break
down and flush excess estrogen from the body. And that helps prevent
the estrogen overload behind many common “female” problems, like
fibroids endometriosis, PMS and even hormone-related breast and uterine
cancers. And lastly, arugula aids the liver in removing toxins like mercury
from the body before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

f) Rapini-
Another rarely used green, it’s also goes by another name- broccoli rabe.
This green is filled with sulphorforaphane, a bacteria-killer so potent
it can destroy antibiotic-resistant strains of H.pylori, the villain
behind ulcers, stomach issues and halitosis, (bad breath).
Plus, researchers say it can also stop the growth of cancer cells on
contact and lower blood levels of cancer-causing carcinogens.

g) Purslane-
A green very few people are familiar with, but if blue moods
and persistent sadness are constant companions, then you
may want to get more of it (purslane) into your system.
If you’re aware that foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds
contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital to eliminating
blue moods and boosting happiness levels, purslane is the
vegetable equivalent.
The omega-3 fatty acids in purslane, not only boosts moods, it
can also eliminate brain fog and attention deficit disorder.

So, if you’re diet consists of plenty of salads in the Summer months,
just make sure to add one or all of the veggies mentioned.

And two more tips:
* Romaine and kale can easily be found at most grocery stores,
but you may have to buy dandelion and purslane at stores that sell
just produce, specialty stores like an Asian market or go online.
Type where to purchase dandelion greens or fresh purslane in the search bar.
* The Second tip- Kale, radicchio and broccoli rabe may be a bit tough,
so you may want to steam the veggies to soften them up or make sure to
cut them (with a very sharp knife) into thin slices.
Combine all of the veggies, add some spices and herbs, (chives, red pepper,
cumin, turmeric, tarragon, basil,sea salt) and top with your favorite salad dressing.

* Jonny Bowden, Author of The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth
* Tim Ferris, Author of The 4 Hour Body
* Elaine Wilkes, Ph.D.