Are you a pudding lover? We’re not talking about the store-bought varieties
that are loaded with sugar and other harmful ingredients,
no-the pudding we’re talking about is made with a few “healthy” ingredients
and it (the pudding) can improve your health in a number of ways.

Improve your health? How?
It can decrease inflammation.
And if you’re not sure what inflammation does to your body, researchers
say inflammation harms cells and accerlerates the aging process.
But wait, there’s more, taming chronic inflammation gives you
more energy, cuts your risk of heart disease and stroke by up to 40%,
curbs your risk of depression by 62% and finally-this pudding can protect
your thyroid gland, making weight loss easier.

And if you’re still skeptical, here’s an explanation of why this chocolate
pudding can benefit your health.
An oz. or two of dark chocolate each day reduces inflammation by 35%
in about 2 months. Cocoa’s polyphenols defend against marauding molecules
that increase inflammation. Plus, dark chocolate is a stellar source of fiber;
2 oz. provides 40% more fiber than a medium-sized apple. And lastly, diets high
in fiber are 60% less likely to harbor high inflammation levels than those who
skimped on the nutrient.

And now, the recipe for Dark Chocolate Chia Pudding!
2 Tbs. of organic chia seeds
2 tsps. of top quality unsweetened cocoa
1 serving of healthy sweetener, such as monkfruit or 1 Tbs. of
raw dark honey
1/2 tsp. of Turmeric
1/2 cup of coconut milk
To make:
Stir together the chia seeds, cocoa, sweetener and turmeric.
Mix in the coconut milk and stir extremely well. Chill for a minimum
of 20 mins. or overnight. Add a strawberry or a few black or raspberries
as a garnish.

* University of Massachusetts, Research Dept.
* Journal-HortScience

Please make sure you pass this article (and recipe) on to loved ones,
friends, etc. all those who may be suffering from inflamed tissues, joints,
and organs and think that all sweets should be avoided.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat,
Tik-Tok and Twitter.