Spring is almost here and for many, the warmer weather means “less clothing.”
No, we’re not talking about something illegal, but less clothing as is dressing
for warmer weather. And if you’re one who made weight-loss your New year’s
resolution, but aren’t quite ready to expose your body for the Spring, there’s
something you can eat for breakfast that might speed things up (weight-loss).

The Breakfast food: Oatmeal.
You may already be eating it 2 or more times a week and you’re still struggling to
lose those last few pounds. But hold on, are you eating it with the food that helps
speeds things up?
What food is that, you ask?
Protein. As in yogurt, a tsp. of top quality peanut butter, protein powder,
egg whites (or the whole egg) or chicken and salmon.
Chicken and salmon on morning oatmeal?
Yes, but instead of fruit and oatmeal, just have some with fish or chicken
along with some spices (garlic and onion powder, turmeric, pepper and
2 tsps of soy sauce).

Why a protein, you ask?
Oatmeal alone has some incredibly impressive benefits when it comes
to fighting fat, but add a small amount of protein to it and melt more fat
(especially abdominal fat).
Plus, protein forces your body to work harder to digest it and that alone,
boosts metabolism by 30%.
And there are more benefits like…
* Fight Hunger-
Oatmeal contains a special type of fiber called “beta-glucan” this type
of fiber stimulates responses in the mouth that fight hunger. Plus,
this special fiber triggers quick spikes in key-stop-eating hormones
and the fact that oatmeal also becomes sticky inside your system,
helping you feel full for hours. And the new research says adding
protein to that bowl of oatmeal will really kill hunger, allowing you
to really control appetite.
* Less Belly Fat-
The special fiber mentioned (above) will also keep blood sugar
steady for up to 10 hours; this; in turn causes the body to produce
less belly-flattening insulin, A bowl of oatmeal and a little protein
can you help you whisk off 2 inches in less than 8 weeks.
* Reach For Healthier Fare-
Researchers aren’t sure why, but people who eat oatmeal on a regular
basis, lose their cravings for junk food and develop an appetite for
healthier fare. (like fruit, vegetables, etc.).

Some other add-ins:
If you tire of the plain yogurt, peanut butter, eggs or lean meats on top
of your yogurt, here are some other things that’ll help you lose
weight in record times.
The other add-ins:
* Instant Coffee-
Put a little instant coffee in your oatmeal. The caffeine in the
coffee can boost metabolism by 20% for up to three hours.
The antioxidants in coffee also target belly fat.
Another tip: Add instant coffee with a little choc. protein powder
for a tasty mocha flavor.
* Spices-
Are you one who only uses spices in stir-fried veggie dishes or baked goods?
Big mistake, add some cinnamon, ginger, cloves, black and red pepper,
turmeric and cumin and you’ll increase metabolism by up to 7%.
Another tip: Add some of these spices to a cup of tea, coffee or plain (hot)
water and burn more fat.
* Nuts-
They get a bad rap as a fattening food, but in moderation, they (nuts)
can actually help you slim down. More specifically- a few almonds
added to oatmeal can really speed up weight-loss.
Almonds contain antioxidants that really speed up fat-burning
in the stomach area.
* Peas-
Yes, green peas. Many people aren’t aware that there’s ample amounts
of protein in a 1/2 cup of green peas. Add some to your morning or
evening serving of oatmeal.

Two more special benefits:
If you’re at your ideal weight and don’t want to lose any more, then
eat oatmeal for other health benefits.
The other health benefits:
* Fight Cancer-
More specifically, breast cancer. A phytochemical in oatmeal called
enterolactone-helps optimize a woman’s hormone levels, reducing
breast cancer risk by up to 60%.
* Boost Immunity-
Building strong immune systems is a concern to millions and if this
your concern, then you must start eating more oatmeal.
The above-mentioned fiber in oatmeal helps white blood cells hunt
down dangerous infections inside your system. Plus, this fiber can
“stick” to and disable some bacteria and viruses-helping to reduce the
severity of colds or even prevent them entirely.
* Lower Cholesterol-
Before being talked into taking a statin drug, tell your health-care
provider, you want to try diet and simple exercises to get it
(cholesterol) down and then go ahead and add more oatmeal to your
daily menus (along with walking or gardening or light weightlifting)
and watch those cholesterol numbers drop by 20%.

Buy this type of oatmeal:
It’s important to buy a good, top quality oatmeal.
Yes, it may be more expensive, but you’re (your health) are worth it.
Look for gluten-free oatmeal. One to buy: Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-free
Oatmeal for weight loss:
* Think Thin Protein & Fiber Hot Oatmeal
* Quaker Protein Oatmeal
* Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal

And 2 more tips:
It may be tempting to toss in some dark chocolate, assorted nuts,
maple syrup, flavored yogurt, but remember, if weight loss is your
intention, then you’ll have to pass on these foods for now.
And there’s no law that says you have to eat it for breakfast,
have a bowl (or plate) of oatmeal at lunch or dinner and top
it with some steamed veggies, spices, chicken (or fish) and tamari
or soy sauce.

* Florida Research Center
* Melina Jampolis, M.D. author of The Doctor on Demand Diet
* Candida Rebello, R.D.
* Dawn’s Fat Blasting Peanut Butter Cup Oatmeal

Please make sure to pass on this very valuable information
concerning one of America’s favorite breakfast foods: Oatmeal.
Pass it along to family and friends who are trying to shed a few pounds
before Memorial day or send it to someone who just loves starting their day
with a bowl of the stick-to-your ribs favorite breakfast food.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram (stories), Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit,
Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).