In season produce just means it’s the time it (the fruit or vegetables are ready to
be picked) and the prices are at their lowest, but here in the U.S. most fruits and
vegetables can be bought at any time at reasonable prices.
And if you’re a fan of cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli or
cauliflower, then you need to stock up.

These 3 vegetables can help you fend off health issues that really seem to
show up during the fall and winter months.

The 3 Health Issues?
Colds, Joint pain and weight gain and if you suffer from one or all three, then
these are the vegetables you should eat.

First up- Colds.
If you’re prone to sniffling and sneezing when the temperature drops,
add more red cabbage to your menus.
Just 3 cups a week could help you avoid the sniffles all season long.
The brightly colored vegetable contains 24 natural antiviral compounds
called anthocyanins. These compounds latch onto invading germs
to stop their growth and spread.

Secondly- Joint Pain.
A lot of people experience aches and pains during the fall and winter and
to alleviate the stiffness and soreness eat more broccoli. A lot of people
eat it because they want to shed a few pounds and eat something healthy,
but very few are unaware it (broccoli) can curb your risk of cold-weather
pain flares ups by 65%. Give credit to the 2 nutrients in broccoli
(zeaxanthin and vitamin K), which tamp down pain-triggering inflammation
and fast-track the healing of damaged joints and muscles.

Lastly- Weight Gain-
Millions of people will gain some weight during the fall and winter seasons,
mainly due to the non-stop goodies that start at Halloween and end at Valentine’s
day and if you want to slow down or even stop the weight gain, eat more cauliflower.
Yes, a lot of people eat broccoli, spinach and kale, and that’s fine, but if
you want to lose weight twice as fast, add some cauliflower to daily meals.
Cauliflower contains glucosinolates, which boost blood-sugar and appetite
control by 75%. Are you at your ideal weight? No problem, cauliflower can help
you stay there. The nutrient choline (in cauliflower) helps your liver cells burn
fat for fuel, cutting your risk of weight gain by up to 70%.

One last tip:
Make sure to cook these vegetables in a way that really benefits your health.
Simply put: Avoid stir-frying the veggies in tons of oil or butter and stay
away from the sauces and creams that not only add extra calories, and
other health problems.

* Australian Research Team
* The Journal Antioxidants
* Stanford University Research Team
* First For Women Magazine-Nov. 6th Issue (on news stands today)

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends who
may suffer from 1 or all 3 of the health issues mentioned here.
You can share it over at Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat,
Instagram(stories), Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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