It may not be a good idea to do a post about the benefits
of adult beverages with people stuck at home,
(due to CoVid-19), school lock downs, financial difficulties,
and other uncertainties.

But, if you’re responsible (stopping at 1 or 2 drinks)
then this post is for you.

Continue reading and learn how your favorite beverage
is doing more than just helping you get through a crisis,

a) Beer-
If you plan on having a beer with family or friends this
St. Patrick’s day, good for you.
But, you may want to continue drinking a beer 3 to 5
days a week long after this holiday, why?
Beer can help you build unbreakable bones,
and maintain your thick locks.
Beer contains silicon, a compound that helps grow
bone and connective tissues. (yea-no osteoporosis).
And there’s more- it also contains plant hormones
that reduce your risk of breaking a bone.
As for the hair- Who remembers the old joke?
What is it that you’ll never see on a homeless man
(or a hobo)? A bald head.
Well, if they’re beer drinkers, there may be some truth to
this statement. And researchers think that beer improves
blood flow throughout the body (even to the scalp)
and the mix of special minerals and antioxidants also
contribute to a great head of hair.

b) Wine-
Recent stories in the news has said that the sale of
wine (in the U.S.) has exploded. And if you’re doing your
part to help those sales, you can continue to partake.
Researchers say that wine drinkers have smaller waists
and less belly fat.
A glass a day, helps your body burns alcohol as fat, rather
than sugar and that has a metabolism-boosting effect.
Another plus, wine drinkers tend to take their time to
eat (chewing food thoroughly), they eat fewer sweets and
usually avoid high calorie fruit juices and soda.

c) Hard Liquor-
That shot of gin or vodka can help keep your heart in tip-top
shape. Alcohol improves blood flow especially to the heart,
helping to reduce inflammation that contributes to hardening
and narrowing of the arteries.
And more great news:
If you’ve been sitting a lot during the past 12 months, whisky
helps prevent blood clots.

d) Champagne-
Yes, it can be expensive, but if you want to improve
memory, then look past the price and have it more often.
Champagne and other bubbly wines are packed with
organic acids that improve functioning in the memory-
centered areas of the brain.

And now for those who are teetotalers:
If you avoid alcohol (for any reason) and don’t plan
on changing, but want some healthy non-alcoholic
alternatives, you’re in luck. Here are some options for you…

e) Grape Juice-
Considered a watered down version of wine, but if you
mix it with club soda, you’ll almost get something close to
the real thing. This healthy duo is great for those who
have trouble focusing and want to improve their circulation.
(prevent blood clots)

f) A Bloody Mary-
This faux drink is called a “virgin bloody Mary,”
And if you’re a Sun lover, include more
tomatoes in your daily diet. Tomatoes are loaded
with lycopene, which acts like a safer and less
expensive sunscreen.
Mix some tomato juice and club soda together
and stir well for your own non-alcoholic bloody

g) Hard Cider-
Popular in the Fall, this drink of very ripe
apples and cinnamon can help keep blood sugar
levels in check and your lungs working at optimal levels.

So, if you’re already enjoying a beer or a shot of vodka,
don’t stop now, your health will benefit.
And one last tip:
Any more than one alcoholic drink for women and two
for men a day will undo all of the great benefits and
may cause more problems, (health-wise).

* Catherine Shanahan, M.D. author of Deep Nutrition
* American Heart Association
* U.K. Researchers