Alternative healers and medical professionals have been touting the incredible
benefits of cinnamon for over a decade now, but are you really aware of the

They say 1 to 3 tsps. each day can steady blood sugar, but what else can
it do to improve your health?
Continue reading for all of the answers.

1) Boost Energy Levels-
Do you travel long distances but feel tired and sleepy along the way?
Place a few cinnamon sticks inside the car or buy a cinnamon-scented
air freshener and be wide awake and alert in no time.
It (cinnamon) has a special oil that activates compounds that light up areas
of the brain that regulate energy and fatigue, plus trigger nearly a 300%
improvement in memory.
Also helpful: Look for cinnamon-scented candles and light one
while doing chores or paying your bills. Go to a Yankee Candle store
or visit them online at
And lastly, a cinnamon-scented air freshener or cinnamon stick not
only makes you more alert, it can also lower stress and improve your
reaction times. In addition to taking in the scent, drink a cup of coffee
or tea with a tsp. of cinnamon.

2) Longevity-
A multi-billion dollar business today, helping people extend their lives by
a few years or even a decade and if longevity is a goal of yours, start
adding more cinnamon to your daily regimen. Cinnamon is packed with
vitamins and minerals and has more antioxidants than 25 other health-
promoting herbs and spices. A small amount each day can also reduce
the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson and lower cholesterol nearly 30%
if taken regularly. Plus, it inhibits the growth of pre-tumors and triggers
some abnormal cells to self-destruct.

3) Diabetes-
Cinnamon has a polyphenol (MHCP) that mimics insulin in the body,
that can lower your risk of ever becoming a diabetic. Plus, it stops
blood sugar from spiking after meals, even if you eat something sweet
and high-calorie. Take a cinnamon supplement or a couple of teaspoons
each day and drop blood sugar by 20%.
Important tip:
Before taking any type of supplement, check with your health-care provider

4) Shut Down Colds-
Although it is getting warmer, you can still get a cold and should find
yourself sniffling, add cinnamon to hot water, tea, a bowl of oatmeal
or a bowl of cottage cheese. Cinnamon contains antiviral compounds
that kill germs and its antioxidants help keep your immune system
on guard.
Plus, cinnamon helps dry up excess mucus, and eases pain and
shrinks swollen nasal passages so you can breathe easier.
Look for cinnamon tea at your local grocery store.
One to try: Bigelow’s Cinnamon Stick tea.

5) Lose The Winter Weight-
Yes, you can have a small piece of dessert, an alcoholic beverage
or a slice of pizza, just make sure you have some cinnamon as well.
Researchers say cinnamon boosts your metabolism, slows the
breakdown of carbs and even helps prevent the storage of
accumulated fat, especially belly fat.

6) Storage Tip-
If you’ve ever wondered about storing cinnamon, here are 2 tips.
Cinnamon in a plastic bottle or canister should be stored in a cool, dark,
dry place for about 6 months. And cinnamon sticks will stay fresh for
about 1 year.

* Shane Ellison M.S.-Medical Chemist and Author
* The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

Please make sure to pass this valuable information on to
family, friends and even strangers who use cinnamon,
but aren’t aware of its many benefits. You can share this
post over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram (stories), Reddit,
Pinterest, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
