You may feel better eating a lot of root vegetables come fall and winter,
but let’s not forget the green veggies.

These winter greens which may be cheaper now that it’s colder, and
will do everything from prevent colds to making you slimmer,
so head to your local grocery store or Farmers’ market and pick up
the following…

a) Better Night Vision-
It happens to almost everyone as they get older and if you notice that it’s
harder to see at night, buy spinach.
Eating 5 cups of raw spinach or 2 1/2 cups of cooked-weekly could enhance
your ability to see and drive in dim light. Spinach is rich in 2 powerful antioxidants
which soak into delicate eye tissues to heal and rejuvenate aging cells.

b) Aches and Pains-
Eating all of the goodies during the fall and winter months may cause
inflammation and that inflammation may result in more aches
and pains and if you want to reduce those aches, then make sure
to eat more rainbow chard. Eat 1 cup daily and you can increase your
flexibility and mobility by 35% in about a week or two.
Rainbow chard contains colorful pigments called (betaxanthins)
that help block the enzyme pathways that lead to chronic tissue inflammation.

c) Boost Happiness Levels-
The holidays, good food and spending time with family and friends should be
enough to boost moods during the winter season, but if you need a little something
extra to help boost your happiness levels, pick up some Radicchio.
Add this colorful veggie to salads or a creamy pasta sauce. This often overlooked
and ignored veggie has compounds (phenolic flavonoids) that switch on the genes
that release mood-elevating oxytocin, helping you feel calmer and more upbeat.

d) Natural Diet Aid-
Many of us will need to take off a few pounds especially if we indulge in
Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, eggnog and Christmas cookies, but
don’t beat yourself up and go crazy exercising 2 to 3 hours each day,
the easier and gentler Rx: just add escarole to salads and stews.
The leafy green is rich in folic acid and vitamin K-nutrients that boost
your lymphatic system’s ability to shuttle trap fluids to your liver for disposal.
Eat 1 cup daily and you can lose 4 to 7 pounds of fat (especially belly fat)
in less than a month.
More tips:
Escarole’s mild inner leaves are tasty raw; and the outer leaves
are a little tougher and should be added to stews or stir-fries.
And if constipation is a problem, just boil a pot of water,
throw in a few leaves, turn off the heat and leave it alone
for 20 to 30 mins. After that, remove the leaves and drink a cup or two.
Place the rest of the water in a container or jar and place in the refrigerator.

e) Become Smarter-
Need focus for a test or DIY project? Eat broccoli rabe and improve focus by 45%.
This broccoli is loaded with polyphenols, plant compounds that switch on the
enzymes your brain needs to soak up and burn blood glucose for fuel.
Not sure how to prepare broccoli rabe? Heat up some olive or avocado oil
and stir-fry with mushrooms, (or chopped up chicken or beef) and
garlic or onion. Serve plain or over brown rice and some grated
cheese and enjoy.

f) Prevent Colds-
Want to cut the risk of catching a cold by 50%? Add more kale to your
meals. Kale contains 2 nutrients (kaempferol and alpha-linolenic acid)
revs the production of virus-fighting white blood cells.
Recipe Ideas: Get tired of the same old stir-fries (with kale) or green
smoothies? Try these 2 dishes…
* A Sweet Treat-
Mix chopped kale, sliced apples, dried cherries and feta cheese.
* Healthy Chips-
Leave the potato chips on the shelves and make your own healthier
version with kale. Toss 1 bunch of kale (remove the stems) in
a bowl with some olive oil, then bake on a baking sheet (at 275*F)
for 15 to 20 mins.

* Canadian Research Team
* Belgian Scientists- Nutrition Researchers
* Stanford University, Research Dept.

Please pass this article on to family and friends who love greens and want
to improve their health this winter. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok,
Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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