The healing benefits of Winter citrus fruits!

Why are some fruits considered “winter fruits?”
Well, it could be the time in which they’re picked and ready for
market or it could be the prices are lower, which will allow many
more people to afford them.

And today, we’re telling you our readers all about the winter fruits
called citrus.
Yes, you may eat more oranges this time of year in the hopes of preventing
colds, but are you aware of the other benefits you can get from say, a lime or

Not sure?
Then you must continue reading.

a) Fight Viruses-
With oranges? Close, it’s the blood orange. The healing plant compound in blood
oranges is called Hesperidin, and this compound binds to viruses (including the
one that causes Co-Vid-19) blocking their growth as effectively as antiviral drugs
do. Plus, the vitamin C boosts the production of germ-fighting antibodies by as much
as 35%. And one more benefit: If you should come down with a cold, have one or
two blood oranges a day and you’ll recover 3 days faster.

b) Soothe That Tummy Ache-
With the holiday season coming to a close, you may not have to worry about
stomach-aches anymore, but if you should find your stomach rumbling and
in pain, break out the lemons. More specifically, have a glass of water with
some fresh lemon juice mixed in. Lemon juice nixes bloat, abdominal pain
and other symptoms in as little as 2 mins. Lemons’ natural fruit acids spur the
release of digestive enzymes, plus stimulate intestinal muscle contractions.

c) Relieve Stress-
Your go-to stress relievers like meditation, or cutting out carbs and sweets
may not be working and if this is case, try the winter fruit Rx known as Cara
Cara oranges. It’s a sweet combination of (tangerine, orange and berry) and it
may help you calm down in a matter of minutes.
Cara Caras are loaded with beta-carotene, a pigment that calms overworked
adrenals and reduces your risk of chronic tension by about 55%.
Eat one daily to reap the stress-relieving benefits.

d) Boost Moods-
Cara Caras work to relieve stress, but if you need something to lift your
moods, there’s the lime. Often used to sweeten or pretty up
cocktails, limes don’t get the credit they deserve for boosting your levels
of happiness in as little as 3 days. Compounds in limes called (limonoids)
enhance the ability of brain cells to soak up blood glucose and use it
to produce the mood-steadying hormone called Serotonin.
Use lime juice in smoothies, to moisten chicken breasts, bowls of yogurt or
in a stir-fried veggie dish.

e) Lose Winter Weight-
If you’re a long-time dieter, then you probably know what winter citrus fruit
is best for taking off the weight. And if you said grapefruits, give yourself
a round of applause. Used for decades to help those who want to slim down
quickly and easily. Eating 1/2 of a grapefruit before a meal triples your weight loss.
Grapefruits contain bioflavonoids, which dampen appetite and speed up fat burn.
No need to have plain old grapefruit day after day, switch things up and toss
a few slices in your green or fruit salad, or make a dessert out of them, the dessert:
Top them with a bit of brown sugar or real maple syrup, stick under the broiler
for a min. or two, remove from the oven and eat them like this or add a spoonful
of plain Greek yogurt on top.
Important tip: Grapefruit and its juice may interfere with some doctor-prescribed
medicines, so it’s best if you talk with your doctor before adding more grapefruit to
your daily diet.

f) Heart Health-
Many people aren’t aware that more people die of heart attacks in the Winter,
why? Spending more time indoors, shoveling snow and eating a vast array of
foods that aren’t that good for us from Halloween right up until St. Paddy’s day.
And to counter the effects of all those goodies, eat regular oranges or Kumquats.
Kumquats are tart, sweet and very small and eating about 5 or 6 of them each
day cuts your risk of a heart attack by 25%. And don’t just peel them and eat them,
hold onto the peel and eat them as well. The edible peels are loaded with antioxidants
that relax arteries and curb the liver’s cholesterol production by 20%, trimming
up to 6 points off your blood pressure.
And the oranges- often used to get more vitamin C, one doctor studied them for years
and found that they were quite effective at clearing harmful debris from the arteries.
In fact, this doctor recommended that if you ate a dinner of say, steak, French fries,
Italian bread with butter and a slice of cheesecake for dessert, make sure to eat
an orange (or drink the juice from an orange) about 20 minutes later.
The doctor says it’s best to only eat this type of meal every once in awhile,
but if do indulge, have an orange afterwards.
Important tip: Look for Kumquats at Asian stores, whole foods or well-stocked
produce stores.

g) Skin In The Game-
Or Rind or Peels. You may be familiar with the term zest a lemon or a lime,
you know- grate a little of the citrus fruit peel into a smoothie or baked good.
Well, cleaning the peels of some citrus fruits can do more than make that
dish taste better, it (the peel) can also work like natural sunscreen,
lower cholesterol levels and put an end to dizzy spells.
So, if you want to bolster your health, start eating some of the peel each and
everyday. Also important: If you are suffering from constant dizziness, it’s best
you have it checked out by your own medical professional, but a little bit of peel
won’t hurt.
Also important: Grapefruit peel can be a little tough getting used to, so you
may want to stick to lemon, lime, tangerine and orange peels.

* Stanford University, Research Dept.
* UCLA, Research Dept.
* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* The Supermarket Rxs To Sun-Proof Your Skin, Learn how
fruits and vegetables can provide you with all of the natural sunscreen you need,
Available at kindle store.
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