If you only eat an occasional apple or banana, you may want to try a new
approach and start eating the bounty of Summer fruits.

You know, cantaloupe, plums, berries and cherries.
And to incentivize you to eat more fruit, here are some of the benefits
you’ll get from each fruit.

1) Strawberries-
In most parts of the country, May and early June are the perfect time to get fresh
strawberries, but if you don’t get them during that time, don’t be discouraged,
get them at your local supermarket (fresh or frozen) and if you suffer from stress
and want something natural, strawberries are the go-to Rx.
Strawberries are loaded with compounds (ellagitannins) that relax tight muscles
and send stay-calm messages to the brain, soothing those frazzled nerves in
less than 30 mins. And if you’re not stressed out, but need to lower your blood
pressure, strawberries can also work on that. Again, the special compounds
help open arteries to trim 5 points off high blood pressure numbers.
To really benefit-try and eat a a cup a day.

2) Cherries-
In the past, we’ve written about cherries and their ability to help you get to sleep
and stay asleep and alleviate painful gout, but today, researchers have found
another benefit, what is it? They’ll boost energy levels naturally.
Consider them natural and tastier alternatives to Red Bull and Monster drinks.
Cherries contain compounds called anthocyanins that heighten the liver’s
ability to convert blood glucose and fatty acids into stamina boosting fuel.
This cuts the risk of energy crashes in half.
Need a recipe?
Toss pitted and diced cherries, sliced almonds, fresh parsley and thyme
with orzo or brown rice for a combination sweet-tart side dish.
Or add them to a smoothie, a bowl of oatmeal, or baked goods.

3) Blackberries-
Often considered second cousins to blueberries, they offer a number of
benefits and one of the top benefits is helping you focus.
If ADD or brain fog are something you or a loved one is going through,
try adding more blackberries to your daily menus, before going the
“big Pharma” route. Blackberries are a top source of flavonoids, potent
compounds that relax arteries so oxygen-rich blood easily reaches
your overworked brain cells. Eat a 1/2 cup each day and you’ll cut your
risk of foggy thinking and memory lapses by up to 40%.
Another benefit:
Blackberries also keep your brain a few years younger.

4) Nectarines-
You may not eat many nectarines during the Summer months, but you
may want to start if you suffer from minor aches and pains.
Over-the-counter pain meds are a billion dollar business in the U.S.
but if you’re concerned about what those meds are doing to your health,
eat more nectarines. The compounds in nectarines help tamp down
joint pain, stiffness and swelling in about 1 week’s time.
Not sure what to look for or how to pick a nectarine?
The yellow-fleshed varieties are tart and the white-fleshed necatarines
are sweet.

5) Blueberries-
If you’re already eating blueberries (fresh or frozen), please continue to do so,
they’ll bless you with a number of benefits, like…youthful skin, a better memory,
stronger bones, lower cholesterol readings and the latest: alleviating mild depression
symptoms. Rich in resveratrol, a natural plant compound that encourages the
body to produce more of the mood-steadying hormone dopamine.

6) Cantaloupe-
If you’re noticing fine lines, wrinkles, extra skin on the neck and jowls,
eat more cantaloupe. Loaded with beta-carotene, antioxidants that improve
moisture retention, reduces rednessand inflammation, mops up aging
free radicals, plus speeds up the healing of sun-damaged epidermal tissue
and supportive collagen. To really take advantage of cantaloupe’s
healing benefits, try and eat a cup (or two) each day.

7) Plums-
Enjoy juicy plums during the Summer months and you can lower
LDL (bad) cholesterol by 10 points in 30 days. Special compounds
in plums curb bad cholesterol and reduce harmful fats in your blood
vessels and arteries. Eat one plum about 3 or 4 days a week.

* Japanese Scientists
* University of Colorado-Boulder/Research Dept.
* Brigham and Women’s Hospital/ Boston Mass.
* Journal Nutrients

Please pass this article on to family and friends who lover summer fruits
and to those who rarely eat fruit. Once they know about the benefits
they can get from each fruit, they’ll want to eat more of them.
Share the post over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram (stories), Pinterest,
Reddit, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
