It’s that time of the year again.
What time, you ask?
Time to take advantage of all the sweet produce, (i.e.) fruit that will be plentiful
and reasonably priced.
That’s right, buy up plenty of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.
And to give you more incentive to do so, here are some of the benefits you’ll get from
each fruit.

1) Blackberries-
Are you forgetting things like where you put the car keys or to turn off the stove
after cooking? That’s an early sign of memory loss (dementia) and one natural
ways to stave it off is by consuming more blackberries.
The tart fruit spurs communication between brain cells to curb short-term
memory loss by 35%.

2) Strawberries-
If your memory is still firing on all cylinders but you’re starting to lack that “get up and go”
from a few years ago, then you may have to start eating more strawberries.
The red beauties signal your muscles to burn fatty acids for fuel, which can boost
your energy levels by 30% for a few hours.

3) Raspberries-
If you still have say, an extra 5 to 10 pounds to lose before you can fit comfortably
into your favorite one-piece or bikini, break out the raspberries.
Not only do they speed up the metabolism, they’ll also help you feel more
satisfied, which will help you resist other decadent treats, like Ice cream and pastries.

4) Blueberries-
Some researchers say that blueberries may be the best in terms of the health
benefits you’ll get from them, plus, they’re much cheaper than black and raspberries.
And if joint pain and stiffness are something you or a loved one is dealing with
on a steady basis, perhaps having a bowl of berries each day may be the only
medicine you’ll need.
Blueberries contain unique antioxidants that slash joint pain and stiffness
by 40% in as little as one week.

5) Combine The Fruits-
The berries mentioned above can benefit your health in a number of ways
not just the ones mentioned here. For example, strawberries also help
keep teeth and gums in good shape, blueberries like blackberries can
also stave off memory loss, and although not mentioned, cherries
can work wonders on pain and help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
So, if you’re looking for something sweet, low-calorie and all-natural
to eat this Summer, combine the fruits and really do some good for
your health.

6) A Recipe For You (The Readers)
To help you in your quest for better health, here’s a gift to you.
The gift: A recipe to help you use up that bounty of strawberries you may
have on hand right now or in the next few weeks.
The recipe:
Strawberry Pie!
2 1/2 lbs. of strawberries, trimmed and sliced
3/4 cup of strawberry preserves
2 tsp. of lemon zest, grated
2 (1/4 oz.) envelopes of unflavored gelatin
1 Graham cracker crust,
Whipped cream and a few sprigs of mint, (optional)
To make:
In a food processor or blender, puree 1 1/2 cup of strawberries
and the preserves. Transfer to a bowl. Stir in remaining strawberries
and the zest. In a 1-qt. microwave-safe bowl, stir in 1/4 cup of water into
the gelatin; let sit for 5 mins. Microwave until melted, (10 to 15 seconds).
Stir this into strawberry mixture. Spread into the crust.
Cover; chill for 4 hours (or overnight). You can then use a pastry bag or
plastic bag with one corner cut off to pipe on some whipped cream
(to make it look more elegant or expensive) and finish up by
strategically placing some mint leaves around the pie.
Calories per serving- 300, Prot-2g. Carbs46g.

* A Taste of Home-Magazine
* First For Women- May Edition

Please make sure to pass this recipe and article on to family and friends
who love all types of berries. And if you’re undecided about what dessert
to serve this Mother’s day (or Father’s day), then you’ll really want to share
this info.
Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Reddit, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram,
LinkedIn and Twitter.