Use the natural remedies provided by “Mother Nature!”

In the past, we here at have mentioned that food
isn’t only the natural Rx for getting well and staying well and today,
we’re going to give you some non-food remedies to boost your well-being.

The Non-food tips in this post are all about the Spring season.
That’s right, in less than 2 weeks, we’ll be heading into a new season,
(Spring) and if you want to lose a few pounds or lower your blood pressure
use the things provided by Mother Nature. And those natural things are…

Tip No. 1-
Lower stress levels and boost your memory.
Yes, this a 2fer, meaning 2 benefits from one Spring source and to lower
stress levels and improve your memory, all you have to do is head outdoors
and breathe in the fresh scents of the Spring season.
Freshly cut grass, morning dew and blooming flowers can make you happier,
healthier and less stressed. Newly cut lawns emits chemicals that lower
stress levels and induce calm, leaving you more upbeat and also
sharpening your memory. Another great way to improve memory,
plant some rosemary in small pots or in the backyard.
Researchers have always recommended eating it or drinking it in tea form to
improve memory, but now, they say that just inhaling the scents of fresh
rosemary can do wonders for your alertness, recall and short-term memory.

Tip No. 2-
Lower blood pressure-
Millions of people in the U.S. suffer from blood pressure that’s a little high to
those who suffer from dangerously high blood pressure and if you’re on medication
or treating it naturally ( through diet, medication and light exercise), you may also
want to add birds chirping to your regimen. Song birds really come out this time of
year and their sweet musical talents can help lower your blood pressure.
Researchers say that high-frequency tweets, chirps and trills can trigger the release
of feel-good endorphins that lower stress levels and blood pressure.
More benefits of birds chirping: Enhanced focus, improved cognitive abilities and
more energy.
Important tip: Unable to get out to listen to birds chirping or if you live
in an area where there aren’t many birds? No problem, YouTube to the rescue.
Just go online and type birds chirping in the search bar. Click on a video,
sit (or lie) back and enjoy for 15 to 30 minutes each day.

Tip No. 3-
Easy weight loss-
Your new year’s resolution was to lose weight and now it’s March and
you’re still carrying a few extra pounds, that’s okay, continue “eating right”
and exercising and starting today, you can get more Sun.
We’re told about the dangers of the Sun, but never the good things and
getting outside and basking in the sunlight is one great thing we can
do for our waistlines.
It (Sunlight) doesn’t just boost your moods, it can also help you stay trim
and slim. How? Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, a feel-good
hormone that helps squash cravings and slash hunger. (Ever hear of
people saying (“it’s too hot to eat or I don’t have an appetite?”)
Well, that’s the sun raising your body temperature, which curbs your appetite.

Tip No. 4-
Boost Longevity-
Want to live a little longer and not do such drastic things like eat foods
from “the Blue Zones” or lift weights and do cardio for an hour each day?
Okay then, all you have to do is start looking at flowers, gardens and
bouquets. That’s right, it’s not a misprint, just gazing at daffodils, tulips
or veggies in the garden can help unleash feel-good brain chemicals.
And something even more beneficial: Cut a few flowers from a neighborhood
park or from your own front yard, bring them indoors, place them in a vase
and then stare at them each day for a few minutes. Doing this not only eases
anxiety, but it also improves blue moods and increases empathy toward others,
and these things will definitely help you live a little longer.

That’s it- The 4 things that come from the Spring season to improve
your health and well-being.

* Florida State University- Research Dept.
* Julian Treasure, author of the book-Sound Business
* The Sound Agency
* British Research Team

Please pass this article on to family and friends who love the Spring season
or pass it on to those who love getting healthier using simple, safe and inexpensive
natural remedies. Share the info on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit,
Pinterest, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
