A lot of us may stop drinking water now that it’s colder, and if you’re in this camp.
you’re making a big mistake.
Yes, colder weather and being less active means less thirst, but getting more
hydration is vitally important.
Being indoors in homes that are usually hotter, eating more sweets and rich
carbs and abandoning our exercise programs, are three reasons why
it’s important you should be getting more water (hydration).

What type of liquids?
Well, of course water, tea and coffee and fluids from water-rich fruits
and vegetables (watermelon, cucumbers, zucchini and Iceberg lettuce).
But wait, there’s one more type of liquid that can also help you stay hydrated and
help you maintain or lose weight during the cold months of Oct. through Feb.
and what type of water is it, you ask?
Coconut water.

That’s right, the nutrient-rich beverage is not only tasty, but it also triggers
the release of fluids that’ll help you stay slim and trim. And if you’re wondering,
how it can (coconut water) do such things, here are the answers.

a) Flush False Fat-
Coconut water is more hydrating than plain water. And that’s important because
coconut water’s rich stores of electrolyte minerals (potassium and sodium) balance
fluid levels in cells and prompt the release of excess fluids that cause bloat and
puffiness, which should help you look 5 to 10 pounds slimmer in no time flat.

b) A Boost In Metabolism-
Wish you had the metabolism you had in your teens?
Well, we can’t guarantee that fire-charged metabolism, but we can
guarantee a slight boost if you add more coconut water to your daily
regimen. It (coconut water) is brimming with manganese, which supercharges
the production of the metabolism-revving thyroid hormone thyroxine.
So much so that it can increase your energy expenditure by 50%, for up to 5 hours.

c) Better Blood Sugar-
A major concern in today’s America: the number of Americans who are
prediabetic and diabetic and to lower those levels, you can eat more cleanly,
exercise and drink more coconut water. Magnesium in coconut water
increases cells’ sensitivity to the blood sugar hormone insulin, dialing down
craving-inducing blood sugar spikes and dips. The effect is so powerful that
researchers found that a small amount of coconut water drunk each day can
improve blood-sugar control by 40% in 2 weeks.

d) Using Coconut Water This Way-
If you do make coconut water a daily part of your life and tire of drinking
it straight out of the can or bottle, switch things up and use it to make
an exotic drink.
The recipe:
Pineapple-Cherry Cooler-
1 cup of Ice cubes
1/4 cup of cherry juice
1 Tbs. of lime juice
1/2 coconut water
2 Tbs. of pineapple juice
2 Tbs. of orange juice
To make:
In Ice-filled glass, mix cherry and lime juice. Mix
next 3 ingredients and pour into the glass and stir well.
Garnish as you wish.
Makes 1 serving.
Calories per serving- 90, Prot-1 g. Carb-22g.
Another benefit:
Reduce stress levels by 50% by drinking Orange juice.
O. J. is loaded with nutrients that slash stress levels.

Important tip:
When buying coconut water, make sure to read labels.
Buy a top quality brand that doesn’t have a lot of chemicals,
preservatives or sugar.

* The Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* Jamaica Research Team

Please pass this article on to friends and family who forget to or just
don’t think about getting enough hydration during the fall and winter seasons.
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