Tired of the same old bananas, apples and oranges?
Well, broaden your horizons and try the sweet, juicy and
chock-full of good-for-you nutrients, available in the form of
exotic, healthy, super-fruits.

Yes, fruits like lychees, starfruit, and guava.

So, if you’re ready to venture outside of your comfort zone
and are ready for a change of pace, here’s some info on how the
following fruits can really benefit your health.

a) Starfruit-
The taste is a combination of lemon, plums and pineapples.
It’s called a starfruit because that’s how it’s shaped
and this fruit offers you health benefits that are also
found in green tea and red wine.
Starfruit is one of the only other food sources of epicatechin,
a turn-back-the clock antioxidant that slows age-related
damage of cells and lowers the risk of certain cancers and Alzheimer’s.
And one last benefit: Starfish contain only 30 calories per fruit,
and they’re loaded with fiber, so if weight loss is a goal, eat more of them.
Look for starfruit at any large supermarket or produce store.
Choose a firm, yellow fruit. There may be some dark brown along
the ridges, but that’s normal.
To enjoy: Peel them and eat them like you would an orange.

b) Lychees-
The taste is a combination of watermelon and strawberries.
If you’re struggling to lose belly fat, perhaps you should add more
lychees to your daily menus. Loaded with tons of fiber and a compound
called (oligonol) that helps break down fat and even block its absorption.
Lychees also improve insulin resistance, reducing the risk of metabolic
syndrome, diabetes and obesity.
Look for lychees at Asian markets, or buy them canned in the
ethnic food aisles of most grocery stores.
To enjoy: Peel away the leathery pink skin to get to the juicy flesh.

c) Kumquats-
Concerned about high cholesterol? Eat more kumquats.
These mini citrus fruits can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol nearly
40% in less than 2 months.
Kumquats relax blood vessels, reducing blood pressure,
boosting circulation and preventing blood clots, lowering
your odds of stroke by 20%.
Look for kumquats at most supermarkets or produce stores.
To enjoy: Resembling a tiny orange, eat the whole fruit,
(peel and all), the thin skin is sweet, while the flesh is slightly
tart, giving you a sensation of sweet and sour.

d) Guava-
Tastes like a blend of a peach, mango and a pear.
If you’re a sun worshiper and are skeptical of drug-store
sunscreens, eat guavas.
Guavas packs more skin-smoothing lycopene than tomatoes,
or any fruit. They also contain collagen-boosting vitamin C, and
vitamin A, which increases skin cell turnover, reducing wrinkles
and keeping it (skin) youthful and taut.
Look for guava at supermarkets, ethnic stores or buy the juice.
To enjoy: Choose one with a soft yellow skin; (green is unripe and
pink is too ripe) Slice or scoop it out with a spoon.
And lastly, you can eat the peel, clean it well and add it to a
smoothie or cut it into thin strips and add to a veggie stir-fry.

e) Dragonfruit-
Tastes like a cross between strawberries and pears.
Lower blood sugar woes by eating more dragonfruit.
This bright pink fruit improves insulin sensitivity
and slows glucose absorption, helping to cancel out
blood sugar spikes from sugary and high carb meals.
Lower blood sugar 22% in just 4 weeks.
Look for dragonfruit at Asian markets, large supermarkets
or produce stores. To enjoy: Cut it in half with a knife, then
slice and eat like you would a slice of watermelon.
Or use a spoon to scoop out the white flesh and add it to
a fruit salad or smoothie.
One last tip: Dragonfruit contains lots of tiny, black seeds,
make sure to eat them as they’re loaded with healthy fatty acids.

* Jonny Bowden, Author of The 150 Healthiest On Earth
* Rebecca Kazin, M.D.
* Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry