If you only drink coffee because of the energy boost you get or it’s
something that goes well with that danish or donut, you may want
to rethink that decision.

According to researchers, 2 to 4 cups a day, can…

a) Protect Your Liver-
You may know that too much alcohol or a poor diet can wreak havoc
on your liver, but not for coffee drinkers.
Coffee not only cuts the risk of liver cancer by 50%, it (coffee)
also reverses some damage caused by years of drinking or
a steady diet of fast food and junk food.
b) A Youthful Brain-
If memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer’s has you frightened, put those fears
to rest, by drinking coffee. The caffeine in coffee thwarts inflammation that
would otherwise damage brain cells.
c) Parkinson’s Disease-
Another disease that causes a number of adults to sit up and take notice is
Parkinson’s and like Alzheimer’s you can reduce your risk of developing it by
drinking more coffee. Again, it (coffee) thwarts the inflammation that affects
your brain cells.
d) Lower Your-
Blood Pressure. Increased blood pressure as you get older sets you up for a
host of health problems, like heart attacks and strokes. And thanks to the
antioxidants in coffee, you can reduce your risk of high blood pressure,
plus refurbish or rebuild damaged blood vessels.
e) A Beautiful Mane-
If thinning hair (or balding) is a concern, perhaps a few more cups of Joe may
be the only “natural” medicine you need. The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee,
help boost blood flow, especially to the hair follicles.
f) Middle-Age Spread-
Now that you’re 40 or 50 yrs. of age, you may have noticed a change in your
To speed it up again, drink a few cups of caffeinated coffee each day.
And in addition to a faster metabolism, coffee also works like an appetite-
g) A Longer Life-
If you enjoy coffee and feel that the 6 tips already mentioned are rewards enough
for your morning habit, you may really want to shout Hallelujah after learning
about this next benefit. What is it?
It (coffee) can help you live a few years longer. Researchers say that a few cups of
Joe a day, means you’re less likely to die from any cause. That’s diabetes, cancer,
heart disease, dementia and many more. The researchers say that the antioxidants
in coffee keep your mind sharp, which help you avoid accidents and make healthier,
life-lengthening choices.
That’s it- A post extolling the benefits of coffee. And if you’re a one or two cups a day
drinker, and want to add more, you may want to go slowly.

* Annals of International Medicine
* Jennifer Stagg, N.D.
* British Researchers
* University of Illinois
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