Millions love chocolate, but how many of the millions know what type of
benefits they’re getting from that an once (or two) of chocolate a day?

Well, if you plan on continuing to have some dark chocolate a few times
a week or even everyday, here are some of the benefits you’ll get…

1) Heart Protection-
If you’re concerned about keeping your ticker (heart) in tip-top shape,
make sure to eat an ounce (or two) of dark chocolate a day.
Eating some chocolate daily can lower your risk of developing
cardiovascular problems by 30%. Chocolate contains antioxidants
that prevent heart disease by keeping blood vessels relaxed.

2) Say No To Strokes-
Just as chocolate protects your heart from deteriorating over the
years, it (chocolate) will also do the same for your brain, which will
reduce your odds of having a stroke by 45%.
Credit goes to the anti-clotting antioxidants in the chocolate, helping
to keep your brain free of plaque.

3) The Body Beautiful-
Chocolate and thinness don’t seem to go together, but they can, if
you enjoy the right type, the right amount and at the right time.
Researchers say having some chocolate in the morning, eliminates
cravings for sugar and carbs all day long. And for those who don’t
indulge, the cravings get so strong, they tend to go overboard on
sweets and carbs.
You can get your morning chocolate treat from a decadent brownie,
a cup of cocoa (made with dark chocolate) or a bowl of oatmeal
with an ounce (or two) of chocolate added to it.

4) Become a Brainiac-
is your memory starting to fade? Did you forget where you left
the keys or that important document?
You’re not alone, as we age, a poor memory is one of the
first signs of decline and if this is a concern, perhaps more
cups of cocoa or eating more (dark chocolate) will help
turn things around.
That’s right- People who eat or drink dark chocolate on a regular basis
perform better on memory and cognitive tests. Researchers say that
compounds in chocolate keep the arteries free of plaque, allowing
for better blood flow to the brain, so it functions better and that
prompts the growth of message-receiving branches of brain cells.

So, there you have it, some incredible benefits you can get from
a cup of cocoa, a decadent brownie or a square or two of dark

And one more tip- if you plan on buying chocolate, make sure
to buy a top-quality type of chocolate, remember, your worth it,
or more importantly, your health is worth it.
* German Researchers
* Lyssa Weiss, R.D. C.D.N. Nutritionist
* Louisiana State University