Breathe your way to a better life!

This blog is dedicated to finding the alternative methods to helping you get well
and stay well, and those alternative methods aren’t just certain foods and exercise,
it could be breath work.

Yes, breathing properly can also benefit your health. It breathing
can boost metabolism, brainpower and lower stress levels.

So, if you’re open to looking for and using alternative methods of healing,
add these breathing techniques to your wellness book of tricks.

a) A Better Brain-
Concerned about getting dementia or memory loss?
Use this breathing exercise to keep your brain in tip-top shape.
To do:
With the thumb of your right hand, block off your right nostril and breathe in
through your left one. Then, using the ring finger of your right hand, block your
left nostril and exhale through your right. Continue alternating nostrils until you feel
more relaxed.
More benefits of this exercise: It lowers your heart rate, which reduces strain on your
cardiovascular system, slashing your risk of heart disease.

b) Lower Stress Levels-
If your thoughts are negative and anxious, your breath often follow.
Slash stress levels by doing the following exercise.
To do: Place your hands on your belly and breathe deeply through your nose.
Now expand to a 3-part breath, which brings 5 times more oxygen into your lungs,
boosting your energy levels. Inhale and feel your stomach rise under your hands.
Continue breathing up into your rib space, then all the way up to your collarbone.
Fun Fact: One woman who suffered from anxiety for years, just sat in a comfortable
chair and breathed (in and out) deeply for 15 mins. per day. In less than 3 months,
she claimed her anxiety had disappeared.

c) Lower Blood Pressure-
If your blood pressure is a little high and your doctor is trying to push meds
on you, try this breathing exercise first. Taking 10 or fewer breaths per minute,
can lower blood pressure. Deep breathing stimulates and engages the parasym-
pathetic branch of your nervous system, which tells your body it’s okay to relax.
And there’s more- slow breathing actually boosts your kidney’s ability to break down
salt, thereby lowering your blood pressure.
To do:
Inhale through your nose for a count of six, then exhale through your nose for a count
of 10.
Close your eyes and try it 2 times a day, it only takes a min. or two.

d) Boost Metabolism-
With the number of people who want to lose weight without going on a
spartan diet or punishing exercise program, this breathing exercise should
be way more popular.
Ocean breaths or “loud ” breaths are great for strengthening your cardiovascular system.
The effort it takes to make that sound as you breathe in and out creates a slight resistance
in your lungs that builds heat in your body. In addition to boosting metabolism, ocean breaths
also improves circulation.
To do:
Pretend you’re fogging up a pair of glasses, the sound you want to make as your inhale and
exhale deeply through your mouth. Repeat 4 times, then close your mouth and inhale and
exhale through your nose, still breathing loudly. Do this exercise for one to 2 minutes each day.

* The Journal of Alternative Medicine
* Margaret Townsend (
* Carissa Ciuca, Yoga Instructor
* Richard Rosen, Yoga Instructor

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One last reminder: Concerned about winter weight gain?
Want some simple strategies to lose that winter weight?
Head on over to kindle store. and type The Thin Girl’s Guide
To Preventing Winter Weight Gain. Insider tip: You can read some of the book
without buying the whole book.