Eat the “superfoods” of Hawaii.

According to recent research, if you want to live a long life, you may
want to head to Hawaii, why?
The life expectancy is 84 years, an incredible 6 years longer than the
average elsewhere. How do they live so long, you ask?
It could be the sunshine, fresh air, the laid-back attitudes or it could
be the food.

The food?
Yes, Hawaiians eat a wide range of foods that are not only delicious,
but nutrient-packed as well and if you want to know the foods that
Hawaiians eat, just look below for the answers.

a) Bananas-
No surprise here, bananas are known as the “fruit of the Gods,” in Hawaii.
Bananas are rich in mood-boosting B vitamins, as well as nerve-soothing
tryptophan. Another benefit from bananas: Eating 2 medium bananas a day
can help lower blood pressure. Bananas contain potassium, which flushes
out excess sodium and trapped fluids.

b) Pineapples-
Again, no surprise, Hawaiians love their pineapples and if you have a small
bruise and want it to heal quickly, eat a few slices of pineapple.
Pineapple is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that calms swelling and
inflammation, strengthens capillaries and boosts circulation.
Another benefit: Eating some pineapple before and after surgery
will help you recover faster.
Look for pineapple at stores like Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Costco or online at
Thrive market. Buy a few, juice them and then store the juice in plastic
containers in the freezer.

c) Macadamia Nuts-
Often given a bad rap because of the fat content, macadamia nuts have the
ability to help you get your “bad” cholesterol levels down quickly and easily.
The nuts are protein-rich and contain good-for-your-heart “good fats.”
Eat a few as a snack if you find yourself heading to the cabinets for cookies,
brownies or potato chips.

d) Coconut Water-
Are you lacking energy these days? Put down the soda and energy drinks and
start drinking more coconut water. The water contains tons of antioxidants,
minerals, amino acids and enzymes and it also hydrates cells better than
regular water.
Another benefit: To any woman out there who suffers from menstrual
cramps and painful periods, you may only need to start adding more
coconut water to your daily regimen for blessed relief.
All of the things listed above (minerals, enzymes, etc.) can also ease
and end those painful periods.
Look for the brands Zico Pure and Vita Coco at your local grocery stores.

e) Taro-
This potato-like vegetable is at the heart of a lot of Hawaiian meals.
And if you’re not familiar with this vegetable you should eat
it if you’re experiencing gut problems.
Taro contains ample supplies of healthy bacteria which makes
it one of the best probiotics on the planet, filling your gut with
friendly bacteria that crowd out any bad ones.
To fix your gut issues, buy some taro and look for a recipe for Poi, (online)
(a fermented paste). And if you want a snack, pass on the potato chips
and look for Taro chips. Look for taro chips in health-food stores or go
online to or

That’s it, your guide to living a few years longer like your brothers
and sisters from Hawaii.

* David Murdock, Former chairman and owner of Dole Foods
and long-time vegetarian
* Penn State, Research Dept.
* Japanese Research Team
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