Hear like Superman!

When we talk about health, the talk is usually about blood pressure, keeping our
hearts healthy, preventing diabetes, cancers, Alzheimer’s, etc. but there’s
rarely any talk about how to keep our eyesight or hearing from eluding us.

According to research, one in three adult will experience some kind of hearing loss
by age 60, and if this is a concern for you and you want to make sure you’re not
a statistic, use the following tips…

1) Eat This For Breakfast-
Eat a fortified cereal such as Special K and you’ll get nearly a full day’s dose of folate.
People low in this vital nutrient are more apt to have hearing problems. Folate cuts
the output of a protein that can build up and damage nerves and blood vessels that are
important for optimal hearing.

2) Eat This For Lunch-
If you were a child that ate tuna sandwiches for lunch, it’s time to go back and put
them back on the menu. Eat tuna and other fatty fish 2 times a week, and you’ll
reduce your odds of getting hearing loss by 40%. Fatty acids help protect blood vessels
and reduce inflammation, which helps prevent hearing loss.
Not a fan of fish? Look into taking a DHA/EPA fish oil capsule, 500 mg. to 1,000 mg per day.
Talk to your doctor before adding any supplement to your daily regimen.
Also important: If you do eat a tuna sandwich once or twice a week, make sure to eat
that sandwich with top quality ingredients, and avoid the white bread, potato chips
and sugary beverages.

3) Get Some Vitamin C-
Just as B vitamins, (folate) vitamin C is also important. Foods like papaya, bell peppers,
Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits and strawberries are rich in vitamin C and the more vitamin
C in your system, the less prone you are to hearing loss. Vitamin C protects tiny hair
cells in your inner ear from damage.

4) Eat Seeds-
More specifically sunflower seeds. These seeds are rich in magnesium, which helps shield
your inner ear from damage by noise. A half a cup a day delivers a full day’s worth of the
mineral. You can also get magnesium from a supplement, 400 mg. of magnesium citrate
each night.

5) Watch The Sweets-
Just like processed foods, bad fats (unsaturated fats), sugar (sucrose) can do damage
to your heart and waistline, they can also damage the delicate blood vessels in your ears.

6) Turn Down The Music-
Spending just 30 mins. listening to music or television at high volumes can increase
your risk of hearing loss. This also goes to those who wear headphones or earbuds.
Use this as a measuring stick: If you can’t hear someone next to you speak, lower
the volume.

* Neal Malik, Dr. PH.
* American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* The Hearing Journal, The Magazine
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