It’s almost that time of year again.
What time?
Time to get into your bathing suits, and if you’re
hoping to get into a bikini or a speedo, here are 6 foods
that’ll help you lose the jiggle and wiggle from your thighs,
back and stomach.

The Foods:
a) Hamburgers-
No, that’s not a misprint, hamburger (beef) is really a superfood
for those who want to lose weight quickly.
Eating a 4 oz. burger a few times a week could triple your weight-loss
(especially in the stomach area) in less than 6 weeks.
Protein-rich beef revs the metabolism inside abdominal cells,
helping them burn an extra 100 calories a day.
Important tip:
If you’re a meat-eater, remember to eat it (beef) with dishes that’ll
help you lose weight, you know- dishes like salads, steamed veggies,
low-cal soups and stir-fries. And save the burger and fries, or mac+cheese,
milk shakes and sodas for special occasions, like birthdays, graduation
parties or anniversaries.

b) Potatoes-
Again, it’s not a misprint, potatoes, are gluten-free and when prepared
properly, (not fried in a vat of oil) can help you lose weight, just like the
burger (beef).
Potatoes contain a unique blend of minerals and chlorogenic acid,
which work together to calm the brain region that fuels hunger pangs.
Eat them baked, boiled or roasted (with the skin) with a little
broth (chicken or beef) or butter for extra flavoring.

c) Green Beans-
They’re a favorite in many American households, but not
many people know about their benefits.
And one of the best benefits is they (green beans) flush trapped fluids.
Green beans contain omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols, which
optimize the function of the lymphatic systems, increasing the amount of
trapped abdominal fluids that are transported to the liver for quick disposal.
Eat a cup each day and you’ll flush out 3 pounds of abdominal bloat
in a matter of weeks.

d) Berries and More Berries-
Now is the time to start taking advantage of all of
the berries that will soon be available, not only because
of the price, but for the way they burn fat from your trouble
spots, (stomach and thighs).
All berries contain something called anthocyanins,
colorful pigments, that increase the production of
lipase, a pancreatic enzyme that helps the body break
down belly fat for fuel.
Eat blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.
And if you’re unable to find quality fresh berries right now,
go ahead and eat the frozen variety.
And one last tip: Raspberries (unlike the other berries)
contain special compounds that help increase your metabolism.

e) Avocado-
Isn’t it too fattening? Yes and no. Yes, if you use it to make
guacamole and chips, and no if you have a few slices
with lemon juice or to make a low-calorie “faux Ice Cream.”
Avocados are rich in omega-9 fatty acids, healing fats that
energize mitochondria to rev cells’ fat-burning metabolic rate.
Need a recipe for low-cal avocado Ice cream?
Go to or and type recipe for
avocado ice cream in the search bar.

f) Peppers-
Bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C, a nutrient that
calms the adrenal glands so they produce less fat-storing
cortisol, (the stress hormone).
And one last tip: If you’re a fan of hot peppers, (jalapeno
and habaneros) continue to eat them. Hot peppers
really rev up the metabolism.

That’s it- 6 foods to add to this week’s grocery list to help
you get ready for the upcoming bathing suit season.

* University of Oklahoma, Research Dept.
* USC, Research Dept.
* Loma Linda University, Research Dept.
* TB 12, Avocado Ice Cream, favorite dessert