Are you dreading the the Summer months?
Dreading them because of swimsuit season?

Well, if you’re hoping to get into that two-piece or
bikini and need some help, (dietary-wise),
here are the 6 best foods that will get you
swim-suit ready in a matter of months.

The 6 best foods to beat Belly Bloat!

a) Grapes-
A cup of red or purple grapes a day, can tamp
down puffiness in as little as 14 days. The whole
grape is loaded with plant compounds called
proanthocyanidins, and these compounds shore
up blood vessels walls so fluids stay inside of leaking
into tissues.
Important tip: Stick to red and purple grapes
while working on your weight-loss goals.
And have a few green grapes (after reaching
your goals). Green grapes contain more
sugar and may delay your weight loss.

b) Onions-
Either cooked or raw can help reverse fluid accumulation
in less than 30 days. Onions contain sulphur compounds
which stimulate the kidneys to flush out excess water weight.

c) Spinach-
Loaded with vitamin K, folic acid, and magnesium,
a trio of nutrients that shuttles toxins and trapped fluids
out of through the lymphatic network, the body’s drainage
system. Eat a cup or two a day, a few times a week.

d) Yogurt-
Oh no, many of you out there are thinking- “I don’t tolerate
dairy foods,” but it may not be true.
According to recent research, top quality Greek yogurt
is a great and tasty way to keep the bloat away.
Special probiotic bacteria in yogurt flood the intestines
with compounds that can tamp down gas production
in less than 2 weeks.
Eat Greek yogurt as a separate dish or add some low-sugar
fruit to it. (berries or green apples).

e) Green Tea-
Put away the soda, juices and other high calorie beverages
and start drinking green tea. Drinking 1 to 3 glasses of
plain or slightly sweetened green tea could have you
“bikini-ready” in less than 2 months.
Green tea contains a blend of caffeine and polyphenols
that signal the hypothalamus to slow the production of
vasopressin-the hormone that makes you hold on to
fluids, especially on extremely hot days.
Drink Iced green tea or slightly warm tea.

g) Eggs-
If you’ve given up eggs because you fear they’ll raise cholesterol,
it’s okay to put them back on the menu.
Eggs along with other proteins, salmon, Greek yogurt
or a small beef patty can tame any out-of-control appetite,
and speed the loss of trapped abdominal fluids by
35% in less than 2 weeks.
Eggs are packed with amino acids and the B vitamin-
choline-nutrients that prompt the breakdown of bloat-triggering
inflammation in abdominal tissues.
Thinking egg whites are better for you, calorie-wise?
Whole eggs only contain 70 calories.
And one last tip:
For more info on how an egg (the whole egg) can
benefit your health, read our post- The Health
Benefits of Leftover Easter Eggs.

That’s it- your grocery list for this week to help you
lose the bloat and get your body ready for the
Swimsuit season.

* University of Conn. Storrs, Research Dept.
* Eastern Virginia Medical School
* British Researchers